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Sunday, April 30, 2006
hello it's me again(:
i think i won't be able to fit into my school skirt on tues! been binging so often this week, and had tonss birthday meals since last week. i just ate FOUR slices of birthday cake just now! :O
anway. jieying mentioned an og outing coming vesak holiday right? coming vesak holiday is zhiwei's CO concert! you guys wanna go? i'm going! though not sure if its with my classmates, my cca harmockees, or maybe you guys, if you all are going :D
because zhiwei so nicely helped me sell my harmoc tickets, i shall advertise his concert for him!
12th May, Friday
Singapore Conference Hall
$10, 7.30pm.
and yh! it took me a while to realise yh=yanghan haha! i'm sorry to disappoint you, but i can't see your lil' mouse lehh. it's the X sign. arwell am i the only one?
i think i'm the most happening OGL here. i'm the only OGL who blogs here!! :O
p/s zhenxiong and weihui are not scandalous. they are together hahah!
-miny x)
Jy woosh-ed at 10:33 pm
TS : yo band end le mah? wahaha now my turn out to do scandalous stuff... ...
JY : Wtf... ...who u wif now?
TS : Wah lao 5 more min..I'm at ur chs territory... ...Lolx i knew it tat ure wiith marlene (LOL).. Eh wat are e names of e j1 fhorn players?
JY : Only got suh tyng, e council nominee lar. Anw who u wif now? I bet u r wif sylvia haha.
TS : Now at sakae.. Wah lao looks like wallet gona burn a big hole 2da.. Wah lao u scandalous still wan another council nominee (LOL)
JY : Who u wif? ze ling rite? Haha
TS: Burp... Wtf 20+ knn.. Scandals at a cost...
JY : Haha. Ze ling so gd at spending ur money arh?
TS : Nah... Tell u oso duno.. Not from band not from guitar.. Lolx i went out with ur marlene.. Lolx... (-_-")
JY : Okie... ...tell me when ur date is over haha. I'll post ur juicy smses on e carcol blog XD
TS : Wtf atm machine gor prob i take 3rd time den take out e bloody money..
TS : Wtf tell u how mani times not her lah.. Wtf now in e cinema.. Gonna be a darn scandalous experience.. Lolx
TS : Lolx wth.. Wth so many kids in e cinema wth... Lesson learnt.. Nver watch childish n lame shows like ice age 2... Lolx
JY : Hmm... ...nvm lar. u will learn 2 appreciate kids when she gives birth next year
TS : Wth.. Tat was... Nvm...Shiats.. Guess being a gay is better than being scandalous h... Haha...
TS : Wth finally end.. Wah lao last time wat kind of movie u watched with marlene? (LOL) alamak nex time betta watch sm action pack junk...
No prizes 4 guessing, tianshi is either with :
1. sylvia
2. ze ling
3. terrence (???)
Haha enough crap. carcol let's go out next sunday? e day after e GE? i'm bored 2 bits at home. monday still need 2 attend some may day rally, listen 2 lee hsien loong crap. any1 wan me 2 help him/her ask y do we haf 2 do tt crappy subject called PW? XD
- JY/excalibur
Jy woosh-ed at 1:05 pm
Saturday, April 29, 2006
og outing? :D
lets have an og outing! this coming vesak day weekend?
go ecp! haha. or anywhere else la. make suggestions and we'll decide time and day okay! (:
and specially to our dearest ogls who have half abandoned carcol : COME FOR THE OUTING OKAY! :D
sch s been boring i miss carcol ):
OH! and who was that kukoo who went to use my name and tag on the tagboard! box you la! and stupid terrence. haha you better don't try anything funny. i'll murder you personally.
okay i miss you guys man. meet up soon alright! (:
jy BLACK. :D
Jy woosh-ed at 11:53 pm
hahaha!nice or not e mouse? i did it myself! haha..u mus consider i nv hav a blog b4 leh..haha..
Jy woosh-ed at 10:54 pm
I've added Links to those blogs I know. *points to right* If you have one, just add it by going to Templates ya. It's not that hard. If you're scared you'll screw the thing, then Pass me your URL. LMAO
Jy woosh-ed at 10:32 pm
lamin arnd @ 12.33am
Hi..jy here again..anyways..ya agree with pw..PI+project wrk SUX..if the general public agrees with me..pls leave msg in tagbrd sayin "PI SUX" LOLZ...nvm..well 2day/yesterday was xianz...bt on e good side, i found a nice sleepin spot in aj=] (benches outside audi-3rd floor) so tts where u'll prob find me most of e time.
went mass civicz den fuond out im some INTP thing in e mbti stuff...bt wadeva said bout me seems wierd..so duno if can trust lolz..den going home see wx thre @ busstop. woah...neva da-pao food for me frm nj...=[ had 2 go home hungry. bt guess wd? LOLZ..im hibernatin halfway in e bus..den suddenly no air-con..wake up found out bus break down..slightly "=.= LOLZ...xianz fun eh? nvm..i go watch full metal panic?fumoffu ..WOOSH carocl..=]
Jy woosh-ed at 12:34 am
Friday, April 28, 2006
Man. I'm wondering how I'm even surviving JC life. I WILL SURVIVE! Project work sucks ass, although yea we will need the skill in university yada yada yada.
I signed up for the A*star Attachment program! Hope I get through now that we need to include 3 significant things in our leaving certificate. Has AJ's principal talked to you'all about it yet?
Thw weekends yay! Gotta utilise it well. Good luck for the common tests you guys in AJ!
Jy woosh-ed at 9:23 pm
hello hello!
hello my dear friends! :D
it's MINY HERE!!!! yah you may start cheering now haha! =p
.....ok just kidding. i'm not BHB. really. i'm NOT! i KNOW i'm loved, that's all =p
anyway, really glad to see you all last fri! been so long since i last saw you all together yah. except for a few random faces i see around school (heem mei jiayao tianshi terrence...), not much of carcol anymore ):
hey where did wenxu went! i thought she ran for council too? i couldn't find her pretty face on the nominees board. i saw junyong's though.
anyway, how come no one states who they are when they post, except for jieying?? or was that jiayao. or junyong. !!! rahhhh.
Jy woosh-ed at 8:12 am
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Memories Hidden in the Sands of Time, Never to be Washed Away by the Waves that are Forgetfulness says:
... ...
Memories Hidden in the Sands of Time, Never to be Washed Away by the Waves that are Forgetfulness says:
Memories Hidden in the Sands of Time, Never to be Washed Away by the Waves that are Forgetfulness says:
how can she post tt when she was painting e banner wif me in sch just now? haha
Jy woosh-ed at 10:44 pm
OutIng anyONe??
lol... anyone is free this sat. or next sat 7th may???? let's go for outing lol =D oh ya... must thank TIANSHI for such a nice nice TAGBOARD... WAHAHA ...
Jy woosh-ed at 10:28 pm
Jy woosh-ed at 10:27 pm
zheng xiong & wei hui!
junyong & marlene/charmine/n god noes who?
mathangi & nikesh!
yanghan & jieying!
edward & tiffany
Jy woosh-ed at 10:24 pm
dun know wad im doing...=]
hey carcol..jy here...see if u know which jy i am..=] anyways im bored den ts show me this blog..so im gonna play arnd..
4 example..some useless information u dun wanna know.:
1. jellyfish are supposed to be e testicles of the coral reef..so its like they reproduce bits of e coral or something..nt sure where i heard this though. ya so think of it this way...if u get stung by a jellyfish...LOLZ..u juz got stung by a ball...HAHAHA
2. when a person slps for bout 3hours a day for 3days..u feel like a dead man when in sch. trust me on this..personal experience..so pls dun try it..LOLZ..
3. when u crap too much in a blog...u tend 2 get kp-ed by the other members of the blog..=]
ya so im done for now...gona try finish some homework b4 i go hibernate...woosh!!!
Jy woosh-ed at 10:23 pm
AJ Family Day!

3rd row: Jiayao(JYM1), Tianshi(Angel!) Junyong(JYM2), Mathangi(Can u c her?No Racist here!haha)
2nd row:Edward(oh tiffany ) Terrence(waverness), Jieying(JYF aka the only malay), Yanghan(shameless!)
1st row: OGLS: zhiwei(Wei Ge aka viagra) minyuan(another bhb 1) zhen xiong(bearbear aka 重色轻友)
Jy woosh-ed at 10:20 pm
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Jy woosh-ed at 10:35 pm
US! (:
avishel bhatia
chai wee hong
chang jia yao
chen lirong
cheong zhen kuang edward
chin xiu wen
chua yi en
chui qi xiang
foo peiwen
kadayam srinivasan mathangi
lau tian shi
lee jie ying
lim jun yong
lim rui sheng
lim zhen xiong
mai xiangjun
ng wen xu
poh zhi wei
seow wei qiang
soh ling kwee
tan fuhao terrence
tan min yuan
tang heem mei
yang han