Friday, June 30, 2006
JY says "hi" 2..lolz
hey ppl..its me once again...juz came home and like bathed and ya..thing im here 4 is to announce..MID YRS ARE OVER!!!..comeon ppl..CHEER WITH ME=]..HAHAHAHHA...okies so anyways after e midyrs..went 2 lunch with some classmates..den ended up gettin a call frm yuanhan and weilin who saw me went over chatted with em a aint impt..wads impt..MY DA-JIE IS BACK=]...and she bought me a nice brazil jersey shirt..lolz..i show yall on sun when we meet..its kinda cool and BIG and cheap sommore..costs like..$9.90? franc..or wadeva currency it is there in switzerland. gd luck for ur midyrs..and whoeva else who hasent taken em..dun think got any1 right? all end by 2day? oh..1more thing..those with chinese oral nex luck think ill end here gona hibernate a while..den @ night..AWAKEN! some undead.
p.s ( notice its e 1st time im blogin in e day?..asin THERES LIGHT outside..frm e SUN..ya tts wad they call the big bright ball in e sky..i juz found tt out 2day..lolz..i aint blogin @ night/morning=]) done..ill post more crap soon again..woosh/cheers/wadeva..nights*yawn*
p.s.s---> minyuan juz askin..can we be deers instead of dears? dears so common..least singapore no deers..onli in zoo..LOLZ...kk..lame..oh wait...we're already snails right? sheesh..and i tot deers were faster..nvm..we got SUPER snails who can fly back (refer 2 earlier post).HAHAHAHHA
Jy woosh-ed at 2:07 pm
Thursday, June 29, 2006
miny says hi! :D
helllo my dears! hahaha. been so long since i logged in, THOUGH i always check the blog okayy! :D
ANYWAY how are all your mid years?? mine just ended TODAY omg i'm uberly happy!! :D all through my physics paper i'm liking thinking of binging already yummy yummy yum yum :D
sth funny. i was waiting outside the toilet for my friend when jiayao saw me hahaha. and i asked him "eh you're going home ah" when it's 740 in the morning! hahaha. so random but he really looked like he's going home.
ANYWAY. once again, though it's eons ago alr, sorry for pangseh-ing you guys for the yanghan farewell! we planned it, but we didn't turn up, again. sth happened at home for me, and... let's just say there really isn't any mood to play.
to all those who are taking their midyears (ahem everyone except a certain ninja haha) ALL THE BEST! :D we carcol will fill up the honour roll or whatever hahaha.
we maybe slow, but we'll do it :D
Jy woosh-ed at 7:48 pm
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
are u ready kids?
yo kids.
2 july 2006 SUNDAY 12pm at somerset mrt!
Jy woosh-ed at 9:58 pm
Monday, June 26, 2006
e other jy again
JYong here again. 2nd post 4 e day! anw here is a joke i rmb hearing in taiwan...
3 men n their wives die in a horrible car crash
Customs officer in hell : Tell me abt e gd n bad things u haf done.
Man 1 : i've cheated on my wife b4...
Customs officer : ok, i'll let u go 2 heaven, but u must cycle there.
*man disappears*
Customs officer : ok, i'll let u go 2 heaven, but u must cycle there.
Man 2 : i've done nth gd or bad in my life.
Customs officer : ok, i'll let u go 2 heaven, but u must drive there.
*man disappears*
Customs officer in hell : Tell me abt e gd n bad things u haf done.
Man 3 : i've done lots of gd things.
Customs officer : ok, u shall go 2 heaven, n i'll gif u a limousine n a chaffeur 2 go there.
*man disappears*
At e end of e day, all 3 men have reached heaven. man 1 and 2 were very happy to be in heaven, but only man 3 looked gloomy n sad. Now, e qn is why was e 3rd man so sad? Use ur brains, be creative, tink outta e box!
Got it? Nvm keep tinking...
Aiya, still haven't get it arh? Nvm i'll tell u. tt's bcos man 3 saw his wife cycling up 2 heaven!!! get e joke? haha
Jy woosh-ed at 6:23 pm
JY, I pity your sister's friend. Loosing a passport overseas is the worse thing that could ever happen. You have no identity at all. Unless you have photocopied the passport(which makes yourself even more suspicious - they'll think you've sold the passport for $$.)
Anyway, it takes a great deal of time and effort to convince the people at the embassy you are a SInagporean. And some places like to make things difficult for people.
And yea, you'll be stuck there till you get a passport back. Imagine trying to pay for lodging and food for weeks. @.@
Oh and those are what I've learnt from my China tour guide. She has 16 passports till date believe it or not. (Just because she lost her passport once I think. The embassies kept referring her to different people.)
Oh and I've added Heem Mei's(found via my cpanel) and Terrence's link. (liek omgz terr haf a blogz?)
Peiwen(almost forgot this. =.=)
Jy woosh-ed at 4:42 pm
more lameness frm e other jy
hello carcol, jym2 here. long time since i've posted on this blog. haha must go out after the CTs hor, cos i'll be damn sian-ed after it, knowing tt i've failed most of my subjects. u might wonder wat on earth m i doing posting just hours before my GP paper, but nvm, just 2 share some crap, show tt ts, jym1, n younghen does nt haf a monopoly on lameness here. anw, to lighten your moods, here's something stupid abt econs :
Do you always seem to find that you are short of cash? Wanna know how the mid-years can actually turn out to be a money-spinning opportunity? Let me share my 100% successful formula with you! Firstly, go buy up all the red ink printer cartridges from the bookshop (either HP or Canon). Why? Based on the expectation of future results, I predict that many people are going to fail their mid years (Eh, I'm not cursing you people, it's true!) due to inadequate (or the total absence of) preparation. Therefore, the demand for red ink will increase, as most people's result slips will be 满江红, and they will be drowned in red ink. As stated by the Law of Demand, price and the quantity demanded have an inverse relationship, within a specified time period, ceteris paribus. An increase for demand would shift the demand curve rightwards , reflecting an increase in price provided that the supply remains constant. Therefore, there would be a surge in prices for red ink printer cartridges. However, if the supply can be increased, the change in price will be offset. Now, since you are hoarding the current supply of goods, you single-handedly can influence the market price as there is a monopoly, and you account for the entire share of the market. Do not worry about alternative cartridge brands such as Lexmark, because the people who designed these cartridges are geniuses. As the Canon advertisement goes, “Do NOT use third-party ink, as it may damage your printer. Canon, delighting you always.” Hmm, the school wouldn’t exactly want to damage the school printers, as it incurs a greater opportunity cost in repairing them. In an attempt to keep the goods affordable, the school will surely have set a price ceiling to prevent the cartridges from becoming unaffordable. This is bad idea, as it would give rise to a black market as teachers have to somehow print out our result slips no matter how obscene they look. Furthermore, the supply of goods cannot be increased in the short run, as raw materials and time are required for the production of additional cartridges, plus the teachers have a deadline to meet. Therefore, they have no choice but to purchase from your black market, and you stand to maximise your profits! So at least there is something positive to be derived from the mid years LOL. So what are you waiting for? Stock up on red ink printer cartridges today!!!
(note tt e original post can be found on my blog as well haha)
Jy woosh-ed at 10:03 am
Sunday, June 25, 2006
This is an interesting riddle. Try to solve it on ur
Once there was a bus conductor, who was very rude to his passengers.
One day a beautiful young girl, of around 18 years,tried to board the bus,
but he didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came
under the bus and died on the spot.
Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took
him to the court. The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him
capital punishment. He was taken to the electrocution chamber. There was a
single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one
corner of the room. The conductor was strapped to the chair and high
voltage current was given to him! .
But to everyone's amazement, he survived.
The judge decided to set him free,
and he returned to his profession. After a few months, this time, a good
looking middle aged woman tried to board the bus but the conductor didn't
stop the bus.
Unfortunately, this time also, the good looking middle aged woman came
under the bus and died on the spot. Again angry passengers took him to the
police station, who in turn took him to the court.
The judge took one look at the conductor and gave him capital punishment.
The Bus conductor was taken to the same electrocution chamber where there
was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at
one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage
current was given to him.
This time also to everyone's amazement, he survived.
The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.
A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board the bus.
This time the Bus conductor, remembering his earlier experiences, stopped
the bus.
Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to his injuries.
The conductor was taken to the police station and then to the court, to the
same judge.
Though he hadn't done anything wrong, but considering his past record the
judge decided to set an example and gave him capital punishment. The Bus
conductor was again taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was
a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one
corner of the room.
He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him.
This time he died instantly !!!!!!!!!!!
The question is why didn't he die on the first two
occasions, but died instantly the third time??
Try to solve it yourself. This is rather interesting and answer is
perfectly logical.
If necessary read the puzzle once again.
Still you couldn't,! Thenlook below.........
Answer :
During the first two times, the conductor was a Bad Conductor, therefore
electricity didn't pass through him.
But during the third time, he was a good conductor, electricity passed
through him freely and he died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha Ha Ha ha !!!!!!!! Obviously you gotta revise your science chapter on
Electricity ???
-ts XD
Jy woosh-ed at 10:49 pm
its me and im bored
hey..its me again..if by now yall still duno who i am...ive got nothing 2 well once again im bloggin here @ like wad..3.46am? coz i juz finished watchin "i-robot" and chatted finshed with me "godson". wad godson?? well hes some guy frm sji..den i cant realli remb e details bt he suddenly became my godson in sec3 and is oso somewad my brudder/ncc mate/ juz chatted with him and my fake sister..den i realised tt...i actully MISS sji..lolz..duno why ya..i didnt reali like it when i was in now tt ure out..u miss it..well i dun reali miss e sch(ie principal)..more of e friends i got in there=]and all e STUPID things we used to do durin class/trainings/between class/recess/outa sch and crap..CHEERZ GUYZ
(this sounds gay bt i miss u clowns ie.212/407/airguyz/carcol..)
i mean..comeon even if yall hated ur sec schs..theres bound to be some happy memories in there right? even u cant deny tt...we usually call those ppl in those happy memories "friends/brudderz/sistaz" eva heard of those ppl? they make a diff in ur me..theres even a show on tt those ppl la..lasted 10yrs if i aint wrong.. i move on2 more random crap. well my sis called back frm switerzland juz now..and guess wd..BAD newz.(sheesh) k..turnz out the onli guy with their grp on the trip (wyane if i aint wrong tts his name) got pickpocketed and the poor dude lost like 1k++ sing dollars? and if tt aint bad enuf..his passport was in e slingbag tt was kop-ed. so now they cant move outta switerzland in2 austria and whereeva else they planned. gota hang arnd in switerzland till the singapore ambessy(i cant spell) does wadeva it has 2 do. so ya well...trip poof..gone..lolz. kinda wasted if u asked me..since they planned tons of stuff. so now they cant go to e place where e "sound of music" was filmed and oh well..least they didnt get like robbed/mugged so tts a gd thing. okies..think ill stop my lamin arnd here again...ill try read some physics b4 i go slp/hibernate=]
NiTeZ guyz (p.s..OI yall gota spam some posts oso la..else all my crap..wierd lei)
Jy woosh-ed at 3:49 am
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Teh tower!
I went up that tower too. The elevator ladies were very pretty what Yang Han! And the elevator is well...super fast. Zero to 263 in seconds. @.@ Did you go there at night? It's better. Morning is too misty.
And yes...dirty. Singapore is really clean and green relative to them. x.x
I saw some school students. But their uniform is like some sports uniform. So they appear not to be in uniform. O_O Japanese school uniforms are cooler! xD Especially the boys!
Btw, kekeke, after this trip I found out that guys from China can be quite cute too. x)
Jy woosh-ed at 9:18 pm
it's young hen!
yoz! it's me! haha..actuali is okay la..with my high intelligence..hahaha..i manage to find a way to blog la..actuali i jus search e net n learn how 2 do dis haha..i downloaded a browser wif auto-proxy setting..haha..aniway..e shanghai trip was fun!! esp to the Madame Tussauds wax statues bro n i were ultra stupid!! took some photo wif veri veri stupid pose hahaha..n e night view was excellent..we went up to the space capsule of 'pearl of the esat' (350m high!) n iwe went to the tallest building in shanghai call the 'jin mao' drink coffee..haha.. but except these two..i think its abt e same as Singapore..except that is much bigger..but i got to say that e air quality sux.. haha.. 1 obvious reason was increasing no. of dirts in my nose!! hahahaha..sorry 4 e disgusting description..but i cant think of aniting beta hahaha..n i got to say..I DIN C ANY PRETTY GALS..haha.. mayb bcos we went shanghai n mos of e students r in sch.. but 1 mos impt thing was.. e guys r super dumper ah gua..haha..e shanghai guys r so tall.. but dey behaved so weak!! haha..dere seem to be sum prob wif uploadin!! show u all next time!
p.s..happy mugging!! haha..
Jy woosh-ed at 12:31 am
okay. haha the blog looks stagnant so i shall just update a little abt my very first hockey match! it s kind of crap so if you don't want to read it just ignore it heh.
OKAY! my very first hockey match haha.
hmmm. we played with cresent c div. at delta. at 12 noon. but we lost HAHA :|3-0
BUT! im still super happy haha. cos i survived?!
played centre forward. but didn't really get the ball cos we were mostly defending. ):
great experience though. never thought i'd come out of the pitch alive.:D
now full of aches and blueblacks haha. but WORTH IT! (:
haha okok enough of crap. lets go out for og outing aft our midyears okay!
saturday ? lets go to the airport for stayover!! haha. we can sleep at the viewing gallery (:
it s only left a few days to mid years. STUDY HARD EVERYONE ALRIGHT! it s only a few more shitty days and it'd b over!
till we meet again, TAKE CARE! :D
Jy woosh-ed at 12:23 am
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Just me(Peiwen) saying hi. Hope everyone is doing well mugging for CTs. Oh we will survive! Currently now I came from "I WANNA DO H3 BIO OR CHEM!!" to "HECK WITH H3!!" lmao. Yeah. I'll just leave it to fate how I do. xD No stress, no nothing.
Btw, since young hen have problems accessing blogger because teh China goverment blocked it. Do you guys want me to host the blog on my site? I can import all posts over(I think) but the blogging system will be completely different from blogger(blogger inda sucks, no offense.=P) but definitely BETTER! Muahah.
Just say whatever. xD
OH OH. Btw I was on this boat in Shanghai at night, touring the night scene. And I swwweear I saw this guy that looked so much like Yang han, only slightly thinner and taller. haha. xD
Jy woosh-ed at 6:31 pm
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Carcol June Hols Outing II??
Hey people!
Some of you suggested having another carcol outing right? Let's go watch scary movie 4 before the midyears/bloc-tests/whatever-your-school-wanna-call-it. It's opening on the 22nd of june!
[<| VaCuiTy |>] woosh-ed at 7:08 pm
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
random nonsense
hello there...=] jy here again...wellz since leejy complained e blog's dying/rottin,,im here 2 de-rot it with my random nonsense again.=]
so ya..some stuff tt happened recently...wellz for 1 thing..a couple of snails decided 2 go on holiday and leave the rest of us behind...but if i aint wrong..those snails overseas are prob gonna be back by this thurs? so...if u wanna know wad those snails did overseas...u gona hav2 ask em to post the pics they took of their holidays up. and me...well..since im running outta crap 2 say...ill juz say im gona be feelin a lil sad in e days 2 come..."why?" u ask?
coz my beloved da-jie is going backpackin somewhere in europe..think shes startin with switzerland..(i cant spell it properly) and then shes gona travel arnd from wads tt gotta do with being sad? well...shes gona be gone for 3+weeks..seems wierd but i think im actually gona miss her a lil well the house sure is gona be a lot more quiet without her more crappin and lamin with..and oso cant gang up with her 2 bully my other sister..LOLZ...kk..evil brother u dun brothers exist 2 bully sisters? oh wellz..better nt let her read this blog..else she gona find out i miss her a lil..den i sure DIE...yall keep quiet oso okies? shiiiish...*finger on lipz*
and cheers to those snails who managed 2 crawl back safely 2 singapore..always amazes me how they can crawl so darn fast...i like takes a plane 4-5hrs flight? frm thailand/taiwan/where-eva....and those darn snails manage 2 do it in e same amount of time..*clapz* congrats snails for breakin e world snail land speed record..!!!
oh ya..btw..our lost snail linghui suggests we go iceskatin..for another pls place votes in comment box/tagbrd..on when 2 hold e outing...
(its prob gonnna hav2 be soon..since last week every1 gonna be muggin like mad..those muggers out there..u know who u woosh..hope yall oso post some random crap here...DUN LET E BLOG DIE..) whoosh=]
p.s.s (these were kop-ed frm my sisterz blog)
more random facts
for those of u who ever wondered how snails reproduce..well they're hermaphroditic (having both male and female reproductive organs) and they LAY EGGZ
so in other words, no matter how gross it sounds, they can mate with themselves although it is preferred that they mate with another snail ( thank god). its like they have a gender problem their whole lives. sad cases...
so u can imagine this situation
snail: ooo.. that one looks hot!! maybe i'll be male today.
same snail: now isn't that a hottie.. guess its female for me today...
oh and guess what? Snails have an extensive mating ritual which involves circling around, and then riding up to each other.They touch each other with their foot, tentacles and genital organs.
This takes usually about an hour, the actual mating can easily last eight hours. haha.. so that's what's happening other than chewing on grass and moving at 0.1 m/hr. so happening!
okiez..enuf crappin for now..else ill get beaten up soon...but there..some random crap bout snails..(if u didnt know..carcol=snail)
Jy woosh-ed at 2:07 am
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Peiwen saying bye!
Headed to China in a couple hours! WHoo! Oh btw I've uploaded this picture on my blog so I reckon I should post it here too. =)

Jy woosh-ed at 7:36 pm
Thursday, June 08, 2006
JY saying bye
hey carcol,
e other jym here. just 2 tell u guys i'll be flying off 2 taiwan tml at 6am. no need 2 come see me off cos i'll be coming back =D. my return flight is on e 15th of may, 7pm, at t2 prob. heard frm jiayao tt some1's celebrating their bdae on tt day, so wat y'all say 2 an OG outing on tt day, right after my plane lands? haha, sms 2 tell me abt it if u r doing anything k? tt's all 4 now, cya till e 15th!
Jy woosh-ed at 8:43 pm
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Jy...yoz its me again..and im JEALOUS...everones going overseas..lolz...jy.f going some nice lovely island..can slack and tan in e sun..den peiwen now oso going shanghai...go buy some nice stuff...den junyong oso going taipei..wear some funky "i luv china" shirt go in...den get stopped @ customs..HAHAHAHA...ya im jealous..coz we're stuck in singapore...nth 2 do cept look @ books and mug for mid-yrs..sheesh..anyways..ppl going overseas...ignore my crap..take care and have fun okies? cheerz
Jy woosh-ed at 6:49 pm
Oh so Yang Han's going to Shanghai eh. I'm not sure if I'm going to Shanghai...@.@ I think I am, but I'm only leaving this saturday. xD
Yang Han is that you besides Donald Duck? =O Are you on the right or the left? Jeremy thinks right, but I say left. xD
Oh and this is Peiwen.
Jy woosh-ed at 4:19 pm

helloz carcol!! now back in china.. thank u every1 4 sending off in the airport!! aiyoh..let u all c my ugly crying looks haha.. aniway..i will be goin to shanghai wif my bro in 2days' time.. hows life in sg? haha..e digital cam is not in my i canot take ani photo of my haws 2 show u all haha..i reached china at 12 n reached hm at arnd 4..den replaced a new dvd rom for my comp.. realised my comp was full of adware n spyware n tried 2 clear all..but i fell aslp halfway thru!!! guess i was too tired la haha.. din slp 4 1 day.. haha.. basically din do much mum wanted mi 2 tel e relatives dat im bac..spent sum time on e phone oso haha..
ok la..i got no show u my bro's photo..haha..veri shuai 1 ok!! same as mi hahaha..
Jy woosh-ed at 1:27 am
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Hmm, Me, jy black and Jeremy are going down tomorrow to see the clown off. So if you wanna come, just do, get somebody near your area to share cab with you ya.
Jy woosh-ed at 10:09 pm