Wednesday, August 30, 2006
ooook...i duno buot yall bt jy's dream is dam detailed..lolz..and oso for some wierd reason..i cant reali understnd much bout his dream cept tt e vamp and wolf kicked butt...tts bout hey..its cool..lolz...
coz..unlike jy with his cool dreams..ive had some reali whacked ones..if ure wonderin.."how whack is whacked?" heres some examples..erm..ive had dreams of whales in drains..where for some reaon my friend appears with a twin and both of em start kp-ing me......ive had dreams of sitting @ the side of e road eating cornflakes with a friend when im walkin halfway 2 the bus-stop 2 sch....ive had dreams of chasin cars..and cars chasing me...ive had dreams of bouncin arnd on rooftops like some mad man...yea..u get my point..
and duno bout notice tt its RARE tt u can remb e dialogue tt takes place in a dream? sis pointed this out once...its dreams...u dun reali hear sounds...its like a silent u actually know wads being said? try pay attention 2 ur dreams e nex time ure in one k? den another kinda funky point...if u had dreams of e past..they're usually in 3rd u can see urself there...and like me sis said..thsoe dreams frm LONG LONG times ago..seem sepia(i cant spell) in colour...coz mayb its coz its made frm e memories u see in pictures tt hav yellowed..kinda makes u wonder if they're real memories..or juz stuff ur brain pieces tgt after seein those old stuff eh? mayb its juz me or yall find ur dreams like tt oso...juz blog bout it eh? done for now..mayb ill add somemore nonsense up soon..until nex time eh?
and a lil advertistment for lee.jy..e VJ funfair's THIS SAT k? hav fun..if yall gg..i wun be joining yall..gota go me auntie's wedding..doing some wierd march down e asile..sheesh..ill elaborate nex got a small match wit me friend..cya ppl=] woosh till nex time..
Jy woosh-ed at 11:46 pm
Werewolves n Lycans
Oh I'm so damn tired man, even though I've just woken up from a two-hour nap. Ok that's besides the point, what I really want to talk about is the weird dream I had. It was in some sort of Underworld : Evolution setting, but probably in the distant future where the world has become technologically advanced. The strangest thing was, that I was actually a werewolf, and *someone*, a vampire, was actually my partner in crime, whom I'll refer to as M here. Apparently it came to my knowledge that both of us were the most powerful creatures for our respective erm, species because we were infected when we were just babies. Yea, then I was told that the both of us came from a legendary family of werewolves and vampires called the Arkhangel clan. (You start getting the rough idea how stupid this is going to become) The weirdest thing was that, we did not go about biting other human beings, but were instead dedicated to eradicating all forms of evil with our *supernatural* abilities. Yet, we were still being despised and shunned by the world above. What happened subsequently was a blur, but my mind then cleared when it came to the following scene :
Me : We don't have much time, Mr. Stubbins. We need your cooperation. I need information about Sephiroth.
Stubbins : Not a word. I have privacy agreements to abide to, and I'll never help an evil creature like you.
M : C'mon Mr Stubbins. We need to bust the Sephiroth guy, and your information is crucial.
Stubbins : Never. I'm a pious Christian and I'll never cooperate with vampire-werewolves.
(Flashes his cross, and spits in my face)
Me : *Wipes away spit* Oh that wasn't very nice. And perhaps you would like a lecture on my family history... ...
M : Cut the crap. Just show him what we are really capable of.
(I bare my savage teeth, and burst into full lycan form in the room)
Stubbins : *Shaking violently* Ok, ok. I'll talk.
M : *Smiles demonically, flashing her sharp incisors* Thank you. Now that hasn't that hard was it?
Oh yea, all this took place in some hot dusty room, where the sun was shining through wall-length windows. I remember seeing a shimmering sea of metallic spirals rising over the horizon. I don't know how those names came by, though, except that Sephiroth is a boss in the Final Fantasy series. Ok, moving on to the coolest part of the dialogue... ...
Stubbins : Well, you may coerce me into divulging information, but you won't change my mind that you are evil.
Me : We have been defending mankind against, *uncontrolled* supernatural beings. We kill only to protect humans.
Stubbins : Nonsense.
Me : Suit yourself. Oh yes, we kill too to continue our bloodline... ...
(Horrified look on Mr. Stubbins' face)
M : *Smiles demonically again* Alright, let's get moving.
Interesting isn't it? Killing others is a heinous act no matter what. Yet, I use the pretext of protecting humankind to justify my killing of other supernatural beings and to keep my species going. How fair would it be to the people whom we infect just because we want to continue our crusade against "evil"? They don't have a choice when we doom them to a life of misery on the surface, and force them to join forces with us. Then would killing other evil beings be defined as justified? Haha some interesting questions to ponder here. Anyway I think my brain is wired out of my skull haha. I've been having enough weird dreams recently to become a prolific science-fiction movie director. Enough for now, I'll go off to finish my overdue homework and see if I'm in the mood to blog again later :)
- jy :)
Jy woosh-ed at 5:48 pm
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
yea...tts wad i said when i saw her when she ran out in2 the courtyard and started wavin her arms wildly..LOLZ...okies..i better back up a lil..else yall hav no idea wad im blabberin bout..k..goes like this..its tue..and on tues..ive got two 2hr since its 2hrs..i went 2 slp..lolz..and had a lil 1hr45min nap..den since tt means tt theres another 15mins..i went 2 the library 2 find me friends(actually i woke coz i was hungry...=]) ea..point comes when im walkin back 2 class with em..outside e hall..den suddenly i see some1 kinda runing out in2 e since im kinda blur(frm slp) and blind...i cant see whos tt..den me friend nudges me gg..:"eh..ur friend" so me looks closer..and guess wad??? its MINY!...den i stunned..lolz..coz its like..ive been bumpin in2 her arnd sch e past week(refer 2 previous post)..den this week prob gona repeat crazi girl starts wavin and laugin and goes : "JIAYAO!"..notice im STILL me juz wave back a lil...den gong gong.continue wallkin..well..least its gd havin crazi ppl like her arnd sch no? throws some life in2 aj..makes it less "grey"..(pun intended)...
den onli after whilst walkin back 2 class...this tot comes 2 high heavens does miny spot me when im so far away?? or am i tt blur tt i dun reali notice ppl arnd sch? hmm...wierd...unless she has some carcol radar...being able 2 detect OG members frm a radius of 200m around her...LoLz...=]..
oH mum sent me this mail..and i found it dam im gona chuck it up here...coz its like some bunch of clowns..built a church of lil toys we used 2 play with...
A few quick facts:
How long to build it? It was about a year and a half of planning, building and photographing.
How many pieces of LEGO to build it? more than 75,000
How big is it? About 7 feet by 5 1/2 feet by 30 inches (2.2 m x 1.7 m x .76 m)
How many LEGO people does it seat? 1,372
How many windows? 3,976
It features a balcony, a Narthex, stairs to the balcony, restrooms, coat rooms, several mosaics a nave, a baptistry, an altar, a crucifix, a pulpit and an elaborate pipe organ.

music: Linger, Cranberries
Jy woosh-ed at 5:14 pm
Sunday, August 27, 2006
yea..what? is the question u should ask urself b4 readin this..coz its e same thing tt im askin meself now..."what u doing bloggin instead of studying?" supposed 2 mug maths coz tml got some common test im a lil bored of takin a lil break..and here i am=]
yea..whilst me was maths-ing..this old memory pop-ed in2 me i decided to chuck it up here..its like this k? last time when e family went fishin with me uncle..i saw this lil poem scratched in2 the pillar of e pavillion tt we put all our stuff..and since it cracked me up somehow gt stuck in me i decided 2 share it with yall...(btw..i tot e guy had some potential as well...)
here goes:
here i sit.. broken hearted,
came to shit..only farted..
LoLz...okies..its kinda lame 2 like cracked me up..okies..since ive been bothering pw here bout maths..ill put some credit up here oso..THX PW=]! ...hope can solve e qn..(she juz gave me a huge clue) back 2 maths for me..and yall oso go study ba..promos comin liaoz..until nex time ppl..WoOsH!
music: My Neighbor Totoro - The Path of Wind, Joe Hisaishi
Jy woosh-ed at 4:33 pm
Thursday, August 24, 2006
BACK IN BUSINESS BABY! back in business...lolz...if ure wondering wad e heck im talkin bout here? its like this...story usin e comp on fri eveing..den me dad wans 2 i bugger off..and when i get back 2 e comp, router light's i off/on e thing...and den..its i juz assume its e normal prob of e router..and leave it off for a while..(coz usually if u leave it off and on it later'll wrk agagin)...onli prob is..this didnt nvm...i tot tml shld be ok...guess my surprise when on sat was STILL same thing lasted thru till last tue...wit me tryin diff solutions in e meantime 2 try and revive e dead router and FINALLY!, on TUE EVENING... IT WRKS AGAIN!! HAHAHA...called e singnet ppl 2 save it took a while..with e help of 2 of my veri patient friends who helped me contact e linksys ppl wit me on e phone(coz linksys could onli be contacted thru e net...and ironically..i didnt hav e they were relayin e info back 2 me...had them on e phone for bout 2hrs @ a time)(THX guy/girl)
okies..nex thing...for some WIERD reason...ive been bumping in2 our whacked ogl miny the past 5days...ok..nt reali accordin 2 her..she saw me on last fri and all thru this week..ive been running in2 her arnd e sch...100% of e time...its nt me who spots her..but e other way its like im walkin along..and poof..shes suddenly there in frnt / behind me..and she claims shes "stalkin" me...freaky xia...yeesh..
oh yea..4gt 2 tell yall something...okies..its like i came home frm sch 2 day rite? so standard procedure la...take off shoes + socks and chuck em in2 washin machine...onli thing is..i noticed my left sock looked dam i was wonderin.."eh? i got step in2 mud mei?" coz it looked a lil i bring e sock closer 2 me face..2 see wad it was..den i noticed something a lil shiny...and it was spots..rather like when u dio mud..its a whole i examine it even closer...and guess wd??
i saw LEGS...and so..logical conclusion tt pops in2 ur mind? insect crawled in2 me shoe...den when i wore me shoe in e morning....i squished e insect and wore it arnd with me the whole time frm 6.18am-5.00pm...and den if u link arnd sommore....which insect do we all know lives arnd e house...and is brown in colour? tts right...ka-zhua(cockroach) eh?
oh...and if yall look 2wards the side where "links" are....yall will notice a lil addition yea..ill be gone for nw...shall listen 2 me friends' advice and mug...i gonna try 2 do differentiation tutorial...(F.Y.I...diff tutorial was wd the maths teacher went thru bout 1mth ago...and i havent done it...tts sayin something coz im oso e maths rep...LOL)
okies..cya ppl=] woosh until nx time...
music: silence is golden..its more of bronze...( music on)
Jy woosh-ed at 8:05 pm
Saturday, August 19, 2006
JiaYao can't spell Nonsense...
Heeey guys sorry for my disappearance. School as just gotten a hell lot busier just like how Jia Yao said. We lead sad lives. :'(
As for us, we gotta look on the brightt side. ((: December holidays are coming man! It'll be here before you know it. (:
So like yayayayayayayay.
OH YEA! BTW, I found out that one of Mathangi's close friend in secondary school is actually in my after 5 months? WHOO. : D
I rock.
Hikoto woosh-ed at 7:49 pm
Friday, August 18, 2006
Honeystarwars episode 3: talking of comlpete nonsence
long time/far away in a wierd galaxy..theres a couple of losers called crap-dis and u can refer to their names in e previous posts...(starwars fans are So gona kill me if they read this kinda crap bout their show)
(refering to the crap-dis short form names)
yao: e sky is blue
ts: and so are u
terr: dasies are purple
pw: and so are durples(wdeva durple is)
okies..end of on2 better stuff... back after like 4days? arnd there..and ive juz completed draft no.1 of my EoM so im takin a lil break b4 continuing with lit+GP homewrk, since ive got nth much in my brain to blog bout, ive guess ive got no choice but 2 blog bout stuff tt pops in2 my mind.
oh...hav yall seen e flesh imp logo? i duno bout yall but i juz onli found out recently juz such a brand existed..coz my sis showed it 2 me..(she was helping heeren do an advertsisment and they had e shop "flesh imp" so she added it in2 e ad i think) and i found out tt e logo is dam cool. its got its own style if u know wd i if yall wana know wad flesh imp's logo is..juz look @ me display pic on msn.
nex topic? erm..well hav yall been feelin like more and more dead these past few days? coz its like..i find meself gettin lesser and lesser slp..with more and more hw..guess its e same for every1 eh? since promo/A's coming and every1's muggin/drowning in wrk..sad life we lead no? ppl drown in water...we drown in paper...sighz..oh well juz hav2 look forward 2 e fun we gona hav after e exams yea? so fellow snails..WE CAN DO IT! survive for bout 2months more and we'll live 2 see e funlight @ the end of e day (rhymes with sunlight). but think my 4/5hrs of slp/day is still alot compared 2 me poor da-jie..coz its like for e past 2weeks shes been involved in helping backstage (wardrobe) for the current plays going on(wildrice festival or something) so shes been like coming home @ 1++am and leavin e house @ 7/8 am the nex...PLUS shes gota like do her university wrk since she took a gota pia out essays after she comes home half tt adds up to bout 2hrs of slp/day...sighz...poor fella..but oh wells everything ends on this hope she gets 2 rest coz if i aint wrong..shes gettin a lil sick..
hmm..i got a funny qn posted out 2 whoeva tt reads this blog...isit tt ppl are gettin more and more stressed out these few days? coz its like..i find ppl gettin either more pekchik or like..more emotional and stuff..even some of my friends are getting kinda like stressed and stuff..moodswining(not onli zhabohs..some guys oso) and all..hmm..duno bout yall but dun stress urselves out 2 much eh? take a break when u need 2..dun kill urself...(u know who yall are) oh wellz..think im outa stuff liaoz...gona try get me GP+lit done..
but b4 i go.. heres more useless facts tt u prob didnt wana know..but since im here..u gona know anyways
-A snail can sleep for 3 years(wish i could)
-The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night(think of it as xtra protein)
-More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes(talk bout being killed by an ass)
-Women blink nearly twice as much as men(wierd)
-The continents names all end with the same letter with which they start
-Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump."
-A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can(where e heck does it store water? in its neck?)
-Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale(now TTS some tongue)
-If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death(drunken rage? or juz stupidity?)
-Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day( they can stretch? and how in high heavens u gona observe an ant's mouth???)
okies..theres TONS more..but if i continue..yall dun need 2 slp liaoz..woosh til nex time ppl=]
music: Good Riddance(Time of Your Life), Green Day
Jy woosh-ed at 12:32 am
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Jy dosent reali like maths...LoLz
okies..its me again..and ive got nonsense 2 share..had a look @ some1's blog recently and tot this was pretty im here 2 chuck it up for yall 2 read..and minyuan..yea..ive been slpin kinda early these few days=] duno why like 4eva slpy(but hey..slping is fun)
The Oxford Dictionary's latest definition of the following words. Here goes..
Cigarette: A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool on the other.
Conference Room: A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on.
Classics: A book that everyone praises but no one reads.
Committee: Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.
Experience : The name men give to their mistakes.
Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.
Diplomat : A person who tells you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.
Opportunist : A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river.
Politician : One who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after.
Doctor : A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you with his bills.
Boss: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early
oh and btw..ytd i ate tons k?(swensens fishNchips, 1/4 a grilled chicken and bananasplit) den when i went home 2 weigh meself..guess WAD? i GAINED WEIGHT!! YAY!!!...2kg in fact..and i was 56kg..=] great there i was tellin ppl on msn how i finally gained weight...onli prob is..when i woke this morning...juz for fun i decided 2 weigh meself again...and guess wad.....i was 54kg "=.=.....2kg flew away frm much for weight gain...sighz...oh well..=]
so yea...lolz..heres a lil of something tt i juz thought bout...when thinking of nonsence..
okies..: if pun rhymes with bun and nun, wad do u call a bun eating punning nun? (if u didnt get tt...its e same as a nun whos eating a bun and likes 2 pun) yea..coz i tot of an answer..and e answer is???????????
ans: a nun...duh..coz shes e same fella..juz tt shes eating a bun, and tt punning is her thing...HAHAHA..kk..back 2 maths..=]
music: Metor, T.M Revolution(its a gundam song if yall didnt know)
Jy woosh-ed at 2:00 pm
miny lovesss math.
jiayao! i thought you're a night owl? how come i don't see you online now! haha.
i think i beat your record of the earliest post alr :D
anyway, miny's been a kuku as usual. gosh! with tianshi's previous post, i thought he's back in sg already you know! so i've been looking out for him in sch during ndp AND asking my friends why ain't the dear principal back yet when the j1s are back alr. -___-""
i think i'm really dense sometimes GOSH!
ANYWAY. i posted this to share something with you guys! haha. this website's pretty cool. just type in the name of the songs/singers you like, and they'll generate a playlist with that genre of songs. but i think it doesn't apply for mandopop cause well it's a site for US residents.
only drawback is that after ard 2 or 3 playlists generated, they require you to sign up to continue playing, AND you have to be a US resident to sign up cause of copyright laws and such. so urm maybe you can do what i did whichistoborrowsomeusresident'szipcode hahah! shhhhh :D
a pretty nice song i found after typing in The Calling! :D
Eve 6// At Least We're Dreaming
at least im breathin
at least im alive
as long as im dreamin
everythings gonna be alright
jy.f! all the best for your practical exam kay! (i guess so since jy.l mentioned the keyboard haha) go scare them with YOUR spider hands :D
carcooooollll wooosh((:
Jy woosh-ed at 5:42 am
Friday, August 11, 2006
cool stuff mum sent me an email and its kinda i decided 2 chuck it up here 2 share with yall...
Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultimate(wadeva tt means) on Aug 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles of earth.
and this is e impt part..BE SURE 2 watch the sky on Aug.27 12.30am, Its gona look like e earth has 2 moons, and the nex time Mars is eva gona come this close to earth is in its like no1 else on earth is gona be able 2 withness this..unless u aint human or somethin...lolz..=]
cool eh?
Jy woosh-ed at 8:05 pm
Thursday, August 10, 2006
i can see clearly now the rain is gone
~i can see clearly now the rain is gone...i can see all obstacles in my way....~
man i love this song!...been kinda adicted 2 it after seein my sister watch "Engine" which is some jap race car show..and so..yea..its me again...and im BACK after not bloggin for a as a warning..this is gona be a HECK OF A LONG POST!...u were warned...proceed with caution..
lets begin...okies..some stuff tt happened? erm..if i can even remb anything..its prob e things tt happened on 8th AUG..coz its e day when i went back 2 good ol' see e annual parade..which is basically some lame parade comprising of the 6 OU's(uniformed groups). but obviously my aim in going back was not 2 admire e parade but rather 2 laugh @ them..lolz..and oso 2 meet up with e old sji gang..and jeeze i noticed something bout sji idiots...despite not having seen those clowns for bout the last year? (since O's) when we get back and hang out...everything's still e SAME..AHHAHA..we do stupid stuff..laugh and crap around like we're still in sch la...kinda amazin coz i tot tt we would kinda change a lil after all this time. but hey..surprise surprise...=] so yea..if e rest of yall are worried tt ur old gang in sch has changed coz u havent met em in a while..dun wrry...everythings gona be exactly e same when yall hang out 2gether..and another thing i noticed? when sji guys hang out tgt...its like theres onli 1 brain shared out among all of us..coz its like there were almost 20 of us buggers..and e amount of intelligence tt seemeed 2 exist was almost non-existant..LOLZ...
i mean during e parade..ppl's parents were like.." son looks so cool in his uniform"and there we were tryin 2 spot who was gona fall out nex..and laugin @ the poor st.john's ppl who were running out 2 save those fellas who fell out..coz its like..e st.johns ppl were sec1/2 and they were like SUPER when they go out 2 save e sec3/4, they were like below his shoulder la..if e fella reali fell over..e poor guy's gona get squashed..HaHaHa (no offence 2 u wenxu=])
oh..and juz askin e general opinion of e public...what would u do if u knew tt ur friend was now going out with a dick?....coz @ the parade..i was STUNNED to find out tt my friend was now going out with a guy in sji who was condemmed as a dick...literally...hes e kinda guy who cheats on his gf...sheesh...
k..nvm..on happier note/bad note..i found out oso tt our snail jy.f is gona have her exams soon..(16th aug) if i aint ppl..cheer her on k? OI SUPERWOMAN!..U CAN DO IT!
oh..and did yall see e NDP? its kinda wierd eh? quite a lot of now got F16 doing after-burner and stuff...and e new rifles tt the GoH and ppl were using..instead of e usual M16..not used 2 it xia..but hey..they still look cool as eva...(refferin 2 the GoH tt is)
and theres something wierd going on in me house..its like..there seems 2 be some lame bird tt keeps visitin my home..i mean visitin e house is fine..coz it like flies in through e kitchen window and stuff and poops @ the sink..its like dam "=.= la...its like hey..feel free 2 visit e chang residence..but dun poop arnd e place k? and this aint e 1st time e bird's doing usually poops arnd e same now this makes u wonder....does e sink look like a bird-style toilet? or does e bird have something against my house? e onli thing i can say...but its oso kinda funny if u look @ it from another point of view...i many ppl in singapore hav sink-pooping birds visiting em? and its on a regular basis sommore...oh onli hope e bird finds a better pooping spot..and stops pooping @ the darn sink..
and bout jy.f's exam? she sent me a video of some guy playin e piece shes gona play..and its freaky xia..e guy's fingers were like spiders..flying all over e darn keyboard...or wdeva they call the thing u play on the piano..coz if i aint wrong keyboard is the thing im using now to type stuff on this blog..and hey..i watched "click" the movie recently..and i can say..its a great i recommend it 2 anyone with $9 in their pockets..juz go watch it k? its great..juz summon some friends who havent watched it and watch it wit em..i oso recommend e movie to those without $9 in their pocket coz people usually dun keep money in their pockets but rather in their those without money in their pockets but hav money in ur wallets..juz go watch e show k? LOL...
lolz and i think i better go 1st..gota try and mug..blasted promos comin..sheesh...hmm..think this post no nonsence for yall 2 read bout..but nex 1 will hav liaoz=]
did i mention i love tt song?....oh well=] woosh till nex time ppl...
music: i can see clearly now, jimmy cliff
Jy woosh-ed at 10:38 pm
Monday, August 07, 2006
vj s organising a funfair on 2nd SEP, SATURDAY! (:
yay now im appealing to every snail here! come come come okay! (:
we can have sort of an og outing or something [that s if you guys want]
come okay! there s nice cheap food, can sit on the tree house and feel then sea breeze and there are massage services! haha.
okay okay, this is propaganda haha. but come okay! (: YAY
jy.f :D
Jy woosh-ed at 11:41 pm

the rocket tat THRASHED MJ CJ AND RJ!





demostrations against the war... zzz..

the memorial of THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN!

read it urself!

4 sluts and the LONDON EYE!
Jy woosh-ed at 4:08 am
Saturday, August 05, 2006
~early in the morning sun~
~early in the morning sun...with a backpack on my back...with an aching in my heart...and my shirt is full of sweat. im a long long way frm home..~ blah blah..
lolz..okies..if yall will notice, this is the EARLIEST post i have ever made..least i think so..coz its saturday and most ppl would be slpin..(least i would) but since i slept @ 9.30pm ytd..ive had enuf of slp=]..k..nvm if yall didnt know..the lil phrase above is a phrase taken frm a NCC we sing sometimes when doing PT(physical training) obviously the song dosent include "blah blah" duh..LoLZ..
anyways..did i mention tt now i look kinda diff?come to think of it..tons of aj guys now look kinda diff. coz its like limkokwee has been kp-ing the pe bout 60% of the guys he kp-ed had 2 go cut their hair..and 1 of em..onli thing is hair is slightly short..lolz.and my sister now says i look like fido-dido..if yall duno who tt is..hes e wierd white guy on e 7-up yea..oh wellz..anyways running outa ideas to blog bout is takin up too much of brain im gettin kinda dry, later go bathe and get un-dried..LOLZ..kk lame
oh yea..turns out ytd we had some lit workshop thing where some NUS prof came in to talk bout lit yea..was sittin beside jy and he was writing some of his "random" thoughts on a piece of paper..turns out his "random" tots are friggin cheeeem..its like those kinda things u see in books like.."the eyes are e window to e soul" and stuff. and he calls em "random"..den its onli then tt i noticed how diff we are..coz its like if those are his random nonsense..its COMPLETELY diff from my kinda nonsence..coz mine is like e kinda nonsense u see on e previous honeystarwars and tis like conclusion came 2 my lil Limjy is a DAM cheeeem fella..! prob may end up like some prof or something in e future..lolz but hey..even if e clown is cheem..he sure is an idiot when we hang out he can be a cheeem idiot..LOLZ!
OH yea..i remb..if yall still are ponderin bout e riddle below..ed seems 2 know e go pester him if yall wan e ans=] its reali me=] okies..nvm think ill zhao for now..continue bullyin my brain to do pw..but before i go..ill leave yall with some stupid qns i came across
stupid qn 1: if some1 asks u: "a penny for ur thoughts?" and u giv ur 2cents worth..where does the other penny go?
stupid qn 2: shouldnt the Air and Space museum be empty?
stupid qn 3: after styrofoam is made..what do they pack it in?
LOLZ..hav fun ponderin over these reali stupid qns=] woosh until nex time ppl..
music: pink -just like a pill
Jy woosh-ed at 10:44 am
Friday, August 04, 2006
its 9.05 pm here n now it has gotten ABIT WARMER

tis is where we live n attend lessons! GIRTON COLLEGE!

tis dam bridge was built by ISSAC NEWTON

trinity college! the LARGEST n RICHEST college in cambridge

e cambridge uni library! where the FIRST MANUSCRIPT for winnie the pooh was created!



tis was e site where DNA WAS FIRST DISCOVERED

Jy woosh-ed at 4:09 pm
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
killer compo..
as e title suggests...i hav juz narrowly escaped from the killer compo tt has been after my life for the past 2 weeks...k im talkin nonsense..but hey..this dam compo reali kills k...took me 4hours..(frm 8.30pm-12.36am) and i managed to whack out bout 500wrds...arnd there...this juz means im so dead for my chinese A' me..LOLZ...but hey...if u look @ it frm another point of view..its an ACCOMPLISHMENT! tt i managed 2 finish my chinese hw=]...see such a gd student..hope she dosent read this post..else im dead..heh..
k..for some wierd reason..2day/ytd..dependin on ur point of view..i seemed 2 have some wierd affinity with our ogl minyuan..coz its like im walkin along in e canteen...den she suddenly appears in frnt of me and waves her arms arnd in frnt of me..resultin in me havin a stunned look on my face..took a while for my brain 2 process tt this crazi fella wavin in frnt of me was in fact our dear ogl minyuan..coz its like she had her hair down and i totally didnt recognize her la...paisei minyuan=] tt meetin no.1.....den so i continue on with my pathetic day.. its break no.2 and i got a 1hr now i head down 2 the library and slp..beside my friends who are busily chionging out their minutes to chuck in2 the wrking resource file...den when i wake up..and turn 2 walk out e door to go change for pe..(we were in e discussion room in e library)...some fella calls me..i look down..and there she is AGAIN...minyuan..duno frm where she appears frm again..lolz..den had some short lame conversation with her which revolved arnd something bout me being in j2 coz she tot my friends were j2s...den blah blah..went pe..found out theres no pe..go home..hibernate a while..den made e interestin decision to try and do my chinese compo homewrk..which laoshi has been chasin for a while liaoz...
turns was a BAD decision..why? coz it took a slightly short time..lolz..but tt its finally actually feels kinda gd..=] like i DID something..for aint e best compo arnd..duh but i managed 2 trash it out =] and im happy if u aint happy..bite most of my posts..ill hav some nonsense up here..and here it starts...prob with this one is its a riddle..and i cant post e answer up yall gona hav2 tink bout it and i reveal it e nex time we meet..if we dun meet..then like juz ponder over e riddle until ....untill ur hair turns white..coz its simple but not simple..get wad i mean? think of it this way..when my sister gave e riddle 2 took 20mins with 5 ppl askin her qns b4 it got fun=]
there was this man k? he goes home...switches off the light...
nex mornin..he wakes up..reads e newspaper..den jumps outa e window(commits scucide la..duh)
qn..: why did he jump out e window ?
okies..if yall wana get e ans...yall can ask me qns..but i can onli reply in "yes/no"
hav fun=]
woosh until nex time ppl..
music- My neighbour Totoro-path of the wind
Jy woosh-ed at 12:39 am