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Thursday, November 30, 2006
xian diao
french fries..fish&chips..and potatoes chips...dam im hungry..lol..onli had a pao for lunch...bt nvm..later gt gd food=]
mm..kinda xian now..think ill go slp after this post..anyways..i found a nt bad korean restaurant @ far-east...its bout 70% close to that of korean food..asin..food u find in korea la..yea..its kinda gd..so nex time..yall wana eat..i can bring yall three..how we even found tt place? coz da-jie brought us there for er-jie's bdae dinner..lol..anyways..gona down2 some wierd place called madjack later where wx is working..so me and ts gona go down and jisiao her...bt tts nt e main reason why we're gg down..main reason is? coz she told us she can get us 30% discount~!!!..WOOTS...cheers 2 wx! MuAhAhAhA!!!
k.do some simple maths...coz 30% offa fish&chips = $5.20(as wd wx told us)...and its IMPOSSIBLE to find $5.20 fish&chips in singapore la...and in restaurant sommore xia..kao..where 2 find? so for e sake of good and cheap food..CHIONG!..any1 who wana come along..uve got bout...3hours more to sign-up and go along with me and ts..lol..we're meeting @ 7pm @ amk mrt...=] kz..gona slp..nites...
and oh..3xcheers to e clown who came up with e wonderful invention called "PANADOL" coz now after ive taken 1pill of tt magic tablet..lol..my nose is 90% functional and so is my brain..=]..bt now gona slp..nites
p.s : got some news tt yanghan's FINALLY gt his visa..lol..and so hes prob coming back..onli thing? tt CLOWN refuses to tell us when hes comin back..lol..so scratch any plans to go airport and fetch him..lol..anyways..doubt ill b arnd when hes back..so cheers 2 yh in advance=]
p.s.s : yea..playin with colours^.^Zzzzzzzzz*snore*
Jy woosh-ed at 3:55 pm
Sunday, November 26, 2006
gd ol' days^.^
no need 4 wrds..^.^
let e pics do e talkin
cheers 2 yall

Jy woosh-ed at 2:57 pm
Thursday, November 23, 2006
outing plan version.5.75c?
kz ppl...so most prob tml dinner? juz 2 hang out and talk nonsense=] is tt ok with yall? take it as a mini outing...e main outing will b prob in dec?..lol..unless yall want more mini outings in tt perioud of time..so yea..tml eat dinner..bt where prob bishan again? pastamania or something..or if yall want..i can try find out e location of e place i mentioned last time..e one @ douby ghaut...wit all e boardgames..yea...nvm..anyways..90% @ bishan..we can meet in late afternoon/evening..den e rest wil prob show up 4 dinner...okies?
Jy woosh-ed at 2:27 pm
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Outing Plan No.5.5
Well, it's pretty obvious that we can't send junyong off on friday since his flight is at 110am, which is highly inconvenient. Anyway, I suggest we can just go for a meal together at some place like Pastamania(JUST an example) and talk. Since it's more important that we can stay in touch instead of fretting over what we do when we meet up. So just to iterate, my suggestion is that we can just hang out together for a meal and catch up with one another instead of "stoning" in front of some random black screen and not communicating.
[<| VaCuiTy |>] woosh-ed at 10:26 pm
outing plan no.5
eh ppl..since 2day's outing was kinda scaratched....wd say yall instead tt we go for movie? on thurs? or mayb fri we go ECP? juz b4 jy goes japan...coz i doubt any1 of yall are psycho enuf 2 stay overnite with me @ airport even if i want to..lol..anyways..im @ me friend's house now..and its kinda kukoo...coz e net here oso kinnda kukoo..considering its hub...oh wellz..vortes again pls..and yea,..like said..outing asap? or mayb after xmas?
dec oso can..bt i wun b able 2 join yall..so i can organize 1st..then yall go..=] yea..kz..think im done 4 now..gona makan soon..den go home sleep...woke @ 7.45 juz now.."=.=..
-Jy..nitez in advance=]
Jy woosh-ed at 11:57 am
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
outing plan no.4?
kz..IF we go outing tml..WHO can go? coz jyf suggests that since her trngin has been re-scheduled to the evening..she cant join us @ ECP...bt if we go parkway(whereeva tt is) she can join us 4 dinner...so yea..who can go tml? and if nt..yall wana juz go 2 airport send jy off 4 fun? juz go walkwalk..coz i mayb buyin something frm airport as well...VOTES PLS..thx
Jy woosh-ed at 1:33 pm
Monday, November 20, 2006
okies...if yall cant figure out e previous post...nth 2 say..LOL
bt anyways..since every1 votes 4 ECP...now we gota vote for "when" coz yea...jyf leaving on 29th..jy gg somewhere nex week..so when eh? and this comin sat how? any1 wana go support our mad snail linghui?
Jy woosh-ed at 12:17 pm
Sunday, November 19, 2006
IO slians tuob eht "nehw" nq tt llay evah, sti borp annog b sit nimmoc eut ro eht gniwollof keew...tb pasa slp zoc yj gg napaj noos...dna HO..ruo dam lians iuhgnil sah emos comrah trecnoc sit nimmoc tas...os llay annaw og? sti 6$ rep xit..eay...dna fyj si gnivael no eht ht92...
wtb re'ew nwod ot 2 snoitpo won...PCE and etik gniylf..sa ynim stseuqer....
setov niaga slp...xht
-Jy( e above is in "code" ...happy unscrambling..=])
Jy woosh-ed at 6:09 pm
Saturday, November 18, 2006
tribal council
okies..welcome 2 tribal council..the votes have been tallied and once the votes have been read out...the fella would hav2 leave e council area immediately...well..yall know e rest..and since as yall can see in e tagboard...ECP was the one given e most votes..so naturally..tt leaves carcol with e onli option of gg to jurong 2 skate this comin wed/tue...bt since our superwoman snail prob has trainin on wed..its tue? is tuesday allrite with all?..
kk..im crappin...so ECP eh? so how? go there rent bikes and cycle arnd? or cycle down 2 airport? or another plan..which i came up with jy...those with bikes..meet earlier...den bike down 2 ECP...then those without bikes..go there and rent bikes...den we bike arnd..destination..either airport or some other random place...
OR..we can go ECP...go play arnd in water...and bike arnd..renting bikes there...OR we can instead of bikin..hav ALL members of carcol learn how 2 blade...
OR we can...blade frm ECP-> airport...since we dun hav2 lock e blades up as we hav2 with e bikes..we can carry blades arnd and eat @ airport...
OR..we can do wd we've been doing all this time..go ECP rent bikes..bike arnd..talk crap..and then..bike arnd a lil more..den talk more nonsense...and then somehow end up @ bishan for dinner..
OR..we can do e suggestion above..bt instead of gg down 2 bishan..we eat @ ECP under e stars...
OR..we can juz go marina and fly kite...gd eh? (new suggestion)
OR...we can do all e above and end up home dead soon after
chuck votes up pls..thx
Jy woosh-ed at 10:42 pm
outing plan no.3
okies...so apparently jyf aint in thailand yet...so hows this? outing this tue/wed? destination...either ECP / jurong 4 skating...yea...post comments up asap pls..coz if yall didnt notice..its already saturday...lol..
anyways..heres a lil story 4 fun..cheer yall up=]
A woman brought a very limp duck to the vet's office.
As she lay her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest.
After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, your pet duck Cuddles has passed away.
"The distressed owner wailed, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure. The duck is dead," he replied.
"How can you be so sure," she protested. "I mean, you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."
The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room, and returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever.
As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom.
He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the labrador and led it out of the exam room.
He returned a few moments later with a cat. The cat jumped up on the table and also sniffed delicately at the bird from head
to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room.
The vet looked at the woman and said, " I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck. "
Then the vet turned to his computer, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman.
The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. She screamed, " £150 !"..." £150 just to tell me my duck is dead. !"
The vet shrugged. " I'm sorry. If you'd taken my word for it, the bill would have been £20, but with the Lab Report
and the Cat Scan, it's now £150. "
Jy woosh-ed at 4:08 pm
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
okies..now wd?
okies..as e title says...now wd? bout e outing..isit ok if we hold it like this weekend? anyways..votes so far are bikin and skating..so yea...can either choose 1 or both la..like bikin/skating this week..den e other e nex...oh..and we can make it a 3x celebration..1 of our "angelic" snail..the 2nd for the end of As for our psychotic OGLs...and the 3rd for our crazi snail linghui..yea..lol..anyways..if yall can recall i seemed 2 pangseh yall a lot in e 1st 3mths coz of "slave labour" and apparently er-jie had e pics on her desktop..so i manged 2 get em and here they are...i onli hav e "during" and "after" pics though..no "before"
okies..for e 'during" pics.
this is e kitchen after we got 2 it..me and my cuz tore down e cupboard usin crowbars and stuff..lol..

tis is e balcony..after e metal railing hav been sawed off...and e paint had been painstakingly scraped off...
nt bad view eh? can see jurong islands frm here...its e 22nd floor..lol..
tis is e materials...cement / tiles/ stuff...which i carried around e rooms
tis is e toilet..after everything was ripped out..cept e pipes..lol..
e hall..after its been cleared..yea i know..looks like shit..but b4 tt..there was this mountain of junk there..all e torn up pieces of furniture..lol..whole hall was so cluttered with junk tt we could hardly walk..so had 2 move everything in2 a lorry...and bring 2 junk yard 2 throw..and u get this..a hall in which u can move around freely=]

now for e "after" pics..lol..e same hall..after we were done with it...
kitchen again..
and e toilet..lol..
most of e stuff...k...make tt 95% was designed by my mum and sis..lol...they especially like e lil strip of coloured tiles along e wall of e toilet..and e lil strawberry thingy u hav on e sink..
oh..e door to e toilet is e red/white thing..lol..its one of those fold-able doors..and its diff coloured for each of e toilets..i think e other 1 is yellow/blue...lol..
and ahh..who could leave out e throne? may hav2 tilt ur head a lil if u cant reali see it properly..LoL
okies..done 4 now..=] chuck comments again in e tagboard yea?
woosh until nex time ppl=]
Jy woosh-ed at 2:44 pm
Sunday, November 12, 2006
HA!..U FOUND ME!...k..fine..yea..its me..lol..duno how yall know its me oso..e fella who posted the previous post..i mean..its so nt obvious la...i didnt leave any clues...HOW COULD U FIND ME???!!...lol..anyways..PEEK-a-BOO!...
okies..anyways..my nose is dyin..sadly..=[ and yea..turns out theres some tele xmas thing gg on @ suntec...went down 2day with sis and my mum..and er-jie gt herself a new toy..some dam cool lookin sony ericson..its like a fatter version of e motorola krazr ....bt wierd thing is..they said its gt a 2.0mega pixle cam...bt epics..when taken..looks hardly any diff frm e ones taken on my pathetic phone which onli has a VGA cam...wierd eh?..no idea..bt apparently its e "latest" phone...and its on some deal..onli $188 with a classic plan..oh well..shes happy with her new toy..lol..ill hav2 wait another year and a half b4 i can get my own new toy=]
okies..so yea..bout e outing..since miny's As are gona b done somewhere this week..hows bout this? we hold e outing..somewhere in e weekend...den take it as 2x celebration? celebrate e fag angel's bdae + As being over? wd say yall? and OI..faster decide where 2 go leh...1 week flies past veri fast...
-the one yall think u know
Jy woosh-ed at 11:56 pm
Thursday, November 09, 2006
my fellow snails...i have here with me a serious problem..and as such...if u are reading this now..it means tt u are unaware of this problem and hav thus turned to this site to seek to solve..
i shall now confide in yall this problem...which is? okies..ppl..scratch e prawnin thing 4 e outing yea? my friend told me onli 2day tt its kinda ex..its bout $20/hour..and tts onli with 1rod..so if e whole of carcol goes..which is like..15 of us..tts like..$20*15? which is...? nt sure..bt its alot..and tts onli for 1hr!!...okies..
2nd problem...apparently some of us dun hav bikes..and like mentioed earlier...some of us stay kinda far..so duh..we cant reali meet up on bikes..so now? prob onli left e board game place/bowling/movie(e grudge/or some other lame movie) / go e ECP den cycle down 2 airport and eat there..wd say yall?
okies...this message has ended...as it is highly confidential..it will self-destruct in about 10secs and since ure reading this msg on ur comp...e obvious conclusion is tt ur comp will BLOW up in yer face...gd luck
BOOM!..HAHA!..(if yall bothered in countin e dots beside e numbers above..ull see tt e number of dots tally with e number beside em..cool eh? i know..=] )
-guess who
Jy woosh-ed at 3:57 pm
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
okies..i noticed a lil prob...coz if we gona cycle down 2 ECP...1st thing is carcol has 2 meet up..and tt means we gona hav2 cycle down 2 a central point 2 meet..b4 we can cycle down 2 ECP...prob here is tt its relatively ok for me and jyf since we live kinda close...bt for those living in e west? ie..mathangi/yien/linghui/nt sure who else....theyre gona hav2 cycle 2 meet us..den frm there cycle 2 ECP..which theyll b dead by then..LOL..so how? go ECP and cycle down 2 airport? den eat there..den go back? or how? prawnin/bowling?..nvm..yall chuck comments again..lol..and GD luck 2 those with OP..=] cheers...
Jy woosh-ed at 11:29 pm
Monday, November 06, 2006
carcol outin no.2?
YO!..carcol!...okies..im back again..lol..its raining...and its perfect 4 slpin..which is wd im gona do after im done with this post...okies..anyways..bout no.2 outing..wd say yall we hold it nex week? yall free? erm..can go biking..jy.f suggested we chiong all e way 2 ECP...asin..nt go ECP cycle..its cycle 2 ECP...LoL..i dun mind..bt onli thing is ill get lost along e way...bt if dun wan..den bowlin? fishin? my friend say gt some place can go prawning..i aint kidding...asin..u "fish" prawns...with wd i nt sure..think she said use fishing rod oso...bt since when prawn gt mouth big enuf 2 bite?...heck..if dun wan..den another friend told me dohby ghaut...gt 1 place...can go there play board games...so yall wana go? its like..$2.50/hr? and since its board games..theres no limit how many of us can play....so yea...we can all chiong there...all 15+ of us....play and make so much noise tt we piss e ppl there off...den after/before tt can oso go movie or something..up 2 yall....ok?..kz...chuck ur comments in e tagboard k?..WoOsH until nex time ppl...
-the one screwing up OP..=]
Jy woosh-ed at 1:47 pm
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
YO!..long time no post..lol..and im here 4 fun...net's been kinda wierd again..eh..any1 know where 2 buy a mircofilter? coz think its my mircofilter's prob tt been killin my net..either tt...or ****net juz sux..lol..
anyways...GD luck to the OGL's with their As and GDLUCK to thsoe who're takin chi As on fri..lol..bt for those who're gona take chi again nex year..cheers=] we may be in same class...OH...i forgot..im ALSO here 2 MAKE yall jealous...LOL...coz turns out..durin dinner..my mum juz said tt she managed 2 book a hotel over-lookin e nigral falls(how 2 spell?) anyways...its e DAM big waterfall in USA la...yea..dam COOL rite? and she managed 2 get some special...onli $75USD / night..AHHAHAH...woots..gona spam pics when we get there=] bt onli small prob is tt my er-jie is prob gona freak coz yea well...e falls aint exactly short..in fact..its DAM high..so since shes afraid of heights...yea..well..u get e pic..lol...nvm..ill take charge of e pic spammin then..=]
and to any1 else who's dyin in OP...join e club...ive been dyin since who knows when...keep freakin when i stand up in frnt of e class..lol..kinda loser..bt oh well=]..juz hope dun freak tt much when on e stage lo..okies.think im done for now..=] nex carcol outin when eh? go fishin ok?...else...erm..where eh? no "excape" pls...
Jy woosh-ed at 7:53 pm
US! (:
avishel bhatia
chai wee hong
chang jia yao
chen lirong
cheong zhen kuang edward
chin xiu wen
chua yi en
chui qi xiang
foo peiwen
kadayam srinivasan mathangi
lau tian shi
lee jie ying
lim jun yong
lim rui sheng
lim zhen xiong
mai xiangjun
ng wen xu
poh zhi wei
seow wei qiang
soh ling kwee
tan fuhao terrence
tan min yuan
tang heem mei
yang han