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Friday, January 26, 2007
~hes leavin on a jetplane~
hey gues wd? tis is e 150th post on e snails' blog^.^...a toast to tt...anyways...WOOTS..carcol finally met up again after some time...go makan with farmer yh..lol..bt e makan location changed DRASTICALLY...from seoul garden->fish&co.->sakura->pasta mania"=.=->pizza hut-> ?
end up? eat @ food republic..lol..had 2 meet ts b4 tt though..den crawl down 2 orchard..slack arnd..go popular walkwalk..coz we were early..den wx+pw poped up beside us..and yea..waited til xiuwen..(CAN U BELIEVE IT??? EVEN XIUWEN APPEARED)...lol..amazin xia..bt anyways..yh claims he came back 2 sg for 2 days coz he needed to duno accompany some kids along and stuff...so yea..he should b leavin 2nite i think...if i aint wrong...his flight's @ 2+am...any1 interested 2 go send e idiot off? no? oh wellz..
heh..so heres e chain of events...met carcol (5 of us)...scouted for a place 2 eat...den yh appeared..making 6 snails....den wait...hunt for a place..finally managin 2 get one after stressin some poot angmoh guy out..with 6of us hovering over his shoulder...yea..u get e idea..e same kinda stress u get when ure eating @ a crowded hawker center..den when ure 3/4 done with ur food..u suddenly find vulture aunties hovering all around u....waiting for u to leave e chair so tt they can swoop in..........and...........GET E TABLE......u didnt think i would say swoop in for e kill now did u? HA!..GOTCHA!....^.^
kz..so yea..waited....and waited.....and waited....den leejy appears.....den waited.....and waited....den marc..opps..pardon me..not marc...mathangi appears...after hangin out in sch for "cca" purposes=]....yea..so MAKAN!..hahah..nice food...not bad prices..so why not? eat!...den once again..yh spams food for us...thx man..lol and eh..carcol...why yall say i eat alot eh? i eat normal no? its not 2 much ma...its...normal....my ahbu even say.."eat more leh...u eat so little"...sisters go : "growing boy eat more....jeremy help me finish"..so yea..im already considered to eating little...and den..duno after how long..miny appears as well...lookin like some ahlian..lol..with e straps..i duno how 2 spell suspenders..istt how u spell it? duno leh..bt woah? she so nice..volunteer to carry my guitar?..lol..O.o thx anw..den stil can meet her wierd friend who lifted his shirt when we saw him behind e "plastic"thing when venezia(is tt how u spell it?) was closed..wasted closed xia..else can get unlimited free scoops=]
and oh..was supposed 2 go back 2 sji 2day for some sec1 campfire thing..were we "welcome" those short farts in2 the sji family..lol..bt..aiya..lazi to go back..so here i am bloggin...e campfire thing was supposed 2 start @ 7.00pm..bt wd do u know..=] im on e comp slackin^.^...my idea of a campfire..lol..
man..i think im going nuts..keep thinkin i hear rain..bt like..not rainin leh...sigh..im gg nuts...oh wellz...think im done for now=] eh yh..send us e pics when u get back and have time yea? remb...BRITISHINDIA!...HAHAHAHHAHAH
kz..woosh until nex time ppl=]
music: my stupid mouth , john mayer
Jy woosh-ed at 8:22 pm
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Jy woosh-ed at 3:52 pm
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
sniff sniff^.^
yo..i smell an outing? apparently mathangi wants an outing..and since miny hasnt seen us for "some time"...perhaps she may wana join...so now e vote is kayakin @ east coast? and mathangi..its kayaking..not "kaiaking"...unless ure referring 2 some other wierd sport..and ive gotten u wrong..lol...kz..so anyways..like said b4...hows life? yall still alive? i know im half dead...prob along with e guys in aj...how bout those not in aj? still breathing?
kz..nvm..im crapping..bt anyways...sch was dam lame 2day...had some REALI lame sex talk..where e guy was telling us bout how 2 find ourselves...and we were mostly laughin @ him..coz he kept defeding himself tryin 2 tell us how man he was..LOL...and tt he had a wife..prob coz we suspected e fella of being a fag..=]..bt on e bright side..it hasnt been raining much these days no? so tts a gd thing=]...and sadly..guitar SYF auditions comin up..any1 interested in joining? bt eh..i think best to warn yall now...dun come for guitar concert...ull prob regret it...guitar this year gona collaborate with harmoc again..if i aint wrong..its gt a couple of themes..like e seasons and stuff "winter/spring/autum"...yea..u get e pic..
and oh..yall prob wun see me much on msn these days...nt coz im muggin...bt coz er-jie's been whacking korean/jap dramas....and by whacking..i mean whacking..asin..she can 1shot..chiong bout 12+ hours...sooner or later..shes gona diffuse in2 the chair xia...den ill have a chair in e shape of a sister..or a sister in e shape of a chair...whicheva way u prefer..lol...sighz..im runnin outa stuff 2 blog bout...
OH..kz..i remb something..juz for a point..when i was in US...watched this programm called myth busters which is basically a show bout these 2crazi guys..trying out myths and seeing if theyre real..one of e ones i remb..was tt...erm..u know those hollywood shows? where e gd guy simply fires a few rounds in2 the car's gas tank..and e whole thing goes up in smoke like the 4th of july or something...bt apparently...myth busters tried out e thing...they fired 50rounds or more (from machine guns/rifles) into e car's gas tank..and nth happened..LOL...so MYTH busted...it was FAKE
another one they did? erm..u know once again when e bad guys are firin like mad @ the gd guys..and all e gd guys do is hide behind e car door and theyre safe? leaving them free to hide and return fire? well...myth busters tried tt as well..they fired bout 5rounds in2 the car door...and guess wd? e bullet went CLEAR thru BOTH doors..lol..so yea..try hiding behind ur car door e nex time ure under fire k? its "safe as hell"...lol (sarcasm included if u didnt get it...referin 2 leejy who dosent get my sarcarsm)
kz..think im done for now...gona find some stuff to do my "speech" bout..for some gp crap tml"=.=...xian diao...
p.s : i dun like gp"=.=
p.s.s : oi..votes for outing pls...when/where...since mathangi wana go "kaiaking"...wdeva tt is"=.=
Jy woosh-ed at 5:03 pm
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
florist? LoL
okies..so apparently our whacked OGL miny is now a " florist" who is in fact doing her job by terrorising potential customers away..lol..and im oso doing my job in aj by slacking my days away..and blogging in e free access room during my break...anywys...ill prob say this year has been freakish-ly busy for all of us...specially since its onli e start of e year...stuf like....relationships..eye candy..homework...tutorials...training...pon-ing practice...stuff likett..yup^.^..stuff tt makes up jc life no? bt eh..nvm..we shall try go for outing again soon=]..if we even hav time...aj science week 5 gt test"=.=...duno bout those in other schs...sad life xia...
and oh..think i mentioned this b4..tt this year's j1 are FREAKS...bt now ill say it again..theyre FREAKS!...they MUG...and not normal mug mind u...they REALI mug..even though they dun even have hw la...they read lecture notes on e bus..they all chiong e library during breaks..2 mug....me? im completely stuned...duno bout yall...anyways...im hungry..gona find food soon...=]
Jy woosh-ed at 12:00 pm
Monday, January 15, 2007
hello hello!
for a moment, i thought i forgot our login name and password hahaha.
ANW i'm SUPER miny :D yayy!
how are all of you doing in school? study hard okai! then you'll have an easier time for the rest of the year(:
well well! it's been some time since i last saw you all! (i think the last person i saw was... tianshi?) AND I MISS YOU GUYS! (jieying! where are you! hahaha.) anw, i started work today! working at expressflower as a florist hahaha. and undergoing training for this week. i wrapped ard 200 bears today you know! pffft.
i think after valentine's day/cny, i'll consider switching to venezia and SCOOP ICE CREAM :D yumyum! ahhh. we'll see we'll see(:
hello people! blog more okai! don't just leave it to mister jiayao and SOMETIMES tianshi to blog! write more and keep this funky blog alivvvee! :D
Jy woosh-ed at 10:20 pm
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
random US..pun intended
HIHI...heres some random pics tt erm...well i randomly choose from e collection of pics from US...so yea..here they are=]
1st up? Buffalo / Canada^.^..e pics are a mix from these 2 places..coz well..canada is juz a bridge away from buffalo
SqUiRrElS...yea..u see tons of these lil fuzz balls all around parks and stuff...we saw this one in canada..
pics of e niagra falls..this is is from e US side..u can see canada over here..
tis is from e Canada side...also known as the horseshoe falls..bt its e same
some funky buildings along canada..which is more tourist-ty compared 2 US...funky eh? ull neva see these kinda things in singpapore...
there was another building along orlando which looked like it was built completely upside-down=]
HERSEYS....hahahaah..yea..GET HUNGRY ppl=]...tts e point of putting tis pic here...making yall hungry=]

some herseys bear(saw it in e HUGE herseys shop)=] its big..as u can tell by e shirt beside it..lol
okies..now onto orlando, florida...=]
this is e trademark of Animal Kingdom..which is a scale of mt.everest(they made a roller coaster outa it)...yea..each of the disney theme parks have their like..erm..trademark? everest is e newtrade mark of Animal Kingdom i think...before tt..it was the tree of life..which is well..some overgrown tree..lol..duh
here is e trademark of E.P.C.O.T(Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow )...which looks like an overgrown golfball...yea...
trade of MGM studios...cant remb if i have e pic of trademark of magic kingdom..bt yall should prob already know wad it is..its e disney castle thing...as yall can see..MGM's trade is e mickey's hat in e Sorcerer's Apprentice
yea well...universal studios..e familiar globe..
tis was @ the entrance of E.P.C.O.T...kinda cool eh? its made of TONS of faces of ppl who visited e park..theyve gt like a couple of statues of these things...v.nice=]
now on2 NEW YORK...
the 80 foot xmas tree...Rockefeller Center was where it was put...least outside e center..lol..

view from on top e empire state building...u can actually see e statue of liberty here...hard 2 point out..bt no prizes if u see her..i aint kidding.....shes in e pic..lol...try find her=]
Ground Zero...i.e...WTC crash site
okies..done for now...hav fun in sch=]....sad xia...aj j1...all seem like SUPER muggers"=.=
music: Hey Ya!...Outkast
Jy woosh-ed at 5:48 pm
Saturday, January 06, 2007
the not so meng lion
i hope 1st day of sch has been gd for u all!
coz it has been very HAPPENING for me
the day be4 i was goin to buy black spray.. but den my mum say buy brown more style...
nex day early morning wake up i spray...
in the end went sch hair 3 colours - black, brown, gold ^.^
walk into sch gate saw 2 pe teachers directing cars... wah scary sia... while dey not lookin den i sneak past n met terrence at foyer.. den later went to meet jiayao at the benches n dey were loling bt my sexy hair ^.^
rot n rot till somehow bell ring n gonna marikita... den suddenly strike of the condor heroes... 3 heroes 2 black 1 gold running towards the parade square.. the whole grp of ppl were staring at the lion's golden mane ^.^ my frenz shaked my hand n wished me gd luck lol
after dat pdg tutor roxor she say tml dye back can liao ^.^ i had gp tutorial 1 hr n i sat right in front gp cher nver say anithing bt my mane ^.^ roxor!
break met up with ed, jiayao n terr
was makaning in canteen and LIM KOK WEE was walking ard but HENG he stopped right the table beside us.. PHEW
later ed wana buy some pe attire n stuff so me the v. jiang yi qi chap pei him n co go outside bookshop wait...
he caught terr for his sweet drink but ask me go general office with him for my hair...
n he gave me
to fill in... -.- super lame... still ask me give suggestions wat remarks to write... kaoz i shuld hve write my name steven gerrad or frank lampard or peter crouch or something lar... last time sec sch my classmates wrote mary n jane for latecoming n the principal read it out on assembly ROFL!
anyway after FIRST BLOOD
we go n roam ard den decided to settle at canteen near the vending machines dere...
den suay suay j1 subj toks juz finish.. alot of teachers come out...
right discipline teacher
left chao auntie vp
behind chan chee ming
front BUSH
kaoz kena gangbang den nowhere to run... so suay den vp kpkpkpkpkp... i oso duno wat she kping she keep repeating the same few rubbish like some old female dog barking away zzz
after tat kaoz i feel dam pawned...
got 3 hr lecture left
wat i do?
HIDE IN TOILET... camping in the middle cubicle of the toilet near ohana aint fun sia...
kaoz hot like oven and heng i got mp3 and jy's eragon book.. so pathetic sia...
so i hide in the toilet smsing ppl listen mp3 and indulge in FANTASY reading the eragon book ^.^ tis is call look on the bright side of life even though u stuck in toilet.. ^.^
wah kao i tell u it totally sux man... dam hot sia heng got fan i go on at max nia... n the smell kaoz.. okok not dam smelly... if dam smelly i tink by the time jy come kik the door i die or faint inside liao -.-
lastly getaway out to the main gate! kaoz it aint easy feat sia... hve to try all the routes... check corners for teachers... like some fugitive sia -.-
from the not so gold lion anymore ^.^
Jy woosh-ed at 1:56 am
Friday, January 05, 2007
2007 gd / bad?
hmm duno if can consider ts lucky for seeing miny...bt lol..apparently this year aint tt gd a start for some eh? specially our golden lion who was throned on e 1st day of sch..for 2hours..until i came along and de-throned him by kickin on e door...den end up? we 2 walking arnd in e toilet in circles...and me giving e ppl outsied e toilet tt i had some bladder problem..walk out e toilet 20seconds...look around..den walk back in for another 10mins..LOL..why? to check for teachers outside..so tt we could move outa e toilet and sit where e air's fresh..bt hey? gd ting bout being in e toilet for 3hours? u can now memorize e layout of e toilet..LOL..
....now ...golden lion look like some dam guai kia who wont even harm a fly"=.=...anyways...how yall doing? leejy requests another outin..since she missed e countdown thing...
oh..this year orient 2007..KAO..they DAM enthu xia e j1s...see em on 2nd day already scream & cheer like mad...pro-ness...come 2 think of it..if i even remb correctly..i onli started talkin in carcol on e last day..when we were @ pizza hut...lol..wher yh was e "center of attraction"...literally..standin in e middle and tellin some whacked stories=] bt @ the rate things are going..seems this year j1 may end up like carcol..bt nah..NEVA wil they be like us..LoL..this full of shit..jeeze im sleepy..was supposed 2 be in school now to watch orient finale..bt hey..home's nicer...specially when its raining...kz..gona try stay awake a lil..den dota later...cya nex time guys=]
and oh..hope e rest of u clowns are having a gd year eh?...if its shitty...cheer up..and juz whack..onli 1 year=]...den us guys gona get thrown in2 army"=.=
p.s...OI..yall post some crap oso leh...
-music : Do It To It, Cherish ft. Sean Paul & Young Bloodz
Jy woosh-ed at 5:48 pm
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year^.^
met some snails ytd..had some small probs with e mata ...lol.those who were there would get wd im talkin bout...bt anyways..if ure wonderin wd im doing awake now...its coz ever since i came back frm US...cant slp later than 10am...wierd eh? considering i usually wake @ 1pm? hmm..anyways..heres 2 a great year ahead...been great spending time with yall..both in laughs & shit
and oh..i am sad 2 declare that my mission to the US has failed...=[ i didnt gain any weight after going there..."=.= came back e exact same...
kz..ill try study maclurine's series now...if i even understnd anything...
-music : buttons , pussycat dolls(great song^.^)
Jy woosh-ed at 9:15 am
US! (:
avishel bhatia
chai wee hong
chang jia yao
chen lirong
cheong zhen kuang edward
chin xiu wen
chua yi en
chui qi xiang
foo peiwen
kadayam srinivasan mathangi
lau tian shi
lee jie ying
lim jun yong
lim rui sheng
lim zhen xiong
mai xiangjun
ng wen xu
poh zhi wei
seow wei qiang
soh ling kwee
tan fuhao terrence
tan min yuan
tang heem mei
yang han