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Monday, February 26, 2007
introducing the iflea! the latest in mp3 technology...weighin in at a mere 1gram, the iflea redefines the meanin of nano-technology..its small..bt it still plays songs! infact, it has an amazing memory tt allows it to hold an amazing capacity of 1song!!..Yes u saw right..1 song! where it even comes with shuffle and replay mode, allowing u to listen to ur favourite song again...and again...and again...and again...and again..and again...(u get e drift)
and theres MORE!...the iflea's batterylife also has an astonishing cap of up to 10 amazing minutes!! letting u have the constant trill of wonderin when it would run out of battery and cut ur song short..and since the iflea is so small, it obviously lacks a screen...thus, u dont even have to bother about selecting which song u want to listen to now!...coz..afterall, theres ONLI one song!!
i know ure stunned...bt dont be..theres alot more tt ull find when u buy the iflea
caution: do not let iflea get too close to pets or place it near ur hair...u may juz lose it
so ORDER NOW!...call the number @ the bottom of ur screen to place ur order
kz...enuf with e nonsense..lolz..hi ppl=] havin fun ? anyways...have quite some nonsense here 2 blog bout..so im juz gona dive straight into it k?
kz..ytd...mum asked me join her go me auntie's house...coz its like..house warming...(its e auntie with e acsi step-son) yea..so was kinda reluctant for erm...certain reasons..lolz...bt headed there anyways...coz me cuz oso asked me along...so least had some company there...bt heng heng...the step-sons werent thre...they were out..so its fine...bt here's e wierd bit...coz me uncle..he keeps fish yea? and he has tis RAELI wierd luo-han (asin..e long-kang fish tt ppl think brings gd luck) and e so yea..ure wondering wd's so wierd bout a fish? well..tis fish...its like...either its gt some identity crisis...or its juz injured....coz its like...lying on its side..and its been doing tis since a couple of months liao..according to me aunt...so cant be tt the fish like..thought one day tt..hey! why am i a lou-han when i can be a sole fish? and decided to lie on its side since then..cant be right? coz its like..other den when its feedin time...e fish juz..well...lies thre...not moving...so muz b someting wrong with its insides i guess...tt stops it from floating..LoLz....bt well long as its alive..and still able to "swim" i guess its fine...
den oh..me aunt oso...she kept spammin us with alcohol..asin..not the very hiong ones..bt still its alcohol..and wow..kinda amazin..lolz..1st time i see my aunt encouragin us to drink more..so there i was tryin 2 get meself drunk so i could skip sch 2day"=.=.....i failed pathetically @ my job..LOL..bt least i went home and slept REALI well=] so tts a gd thing...bad thing? i ended up gettin high in sch...guess too much slp...HAHAHA...was like...talkin a lot..and kinda bouncin arnd e place tryin 2 touch e ceiling fan"=.=....yea..i know im nuts...bt who cares^.^ den dinner was pizza and some "shepard's pie" me uncle made...e guy's dam gd @ cookin..so yea...it rocked..though it kinda sucked when it gt cold..bt den again..cold fries oso suck no? so cant complain^.^
heh..kz..think im done for now...cheers ppl...and oh..yall wana meet up in march? cele mathangi+superwoman bdae...i think yh bdae's in may if i aint wrong...bt since he aint in sg...yall wana do like...webconfrence? LOL
-music : chasing cars, snow patrol
Jy woosh-ed at 8:40 pm
Thursday, February 22, 2007
YO!..im back..paisei..couldnt blog past few days..coz busy from cny and stuff...anyways..how're yall? heh...had gd luck farmin/gambling/duno doing wd else? bt e point's e same...how was e money collectin process? duno bout yall...bt i haven opened mine yet..its some family tradition where we onli open e stuff after e 15days of cny are done...bt hearin some of me friends...kao..collect bout $300 liaoz"=.= rich buggers....
and oh. kinda funny 2day...coz i cut me hair ytd yea? so i told e uncle "short"...kao..didnt know he REALI meant it...and now my hair's DAM short...bout onli 1inch? so there was me thinkin me hair's already dam short...den 2day? go sch..saw me friend who had crew cut..i was stunned..lol..coz he mentioned smth bout it ytd..bt i tot he was kiddin...turns out....his hair..now bout 2cm? great..so now my class has 2 idiots ready for army liao..hair so short..lolz..
and yall remb my lovable acsi cousin? coz apparently they joined us for dinner @ some restaurant...den its dam funny..coz dajie didnt wana sit nex to any of em..so she summoned my two cousins to sit beside her...onli prob? those 2 cousins are above 183cm..and they pump iron..and REALI pump..not juz like..once in a while...its like...3/4x a week? LOLz...so yea..she was like..sittin beside 2 mountains...ahahahha....den e two step cousins where sittin beside em...LOL..dam funny...or evil if u wana put it..coz we kinda juz dao-ed em thru e whole process....im being a bitch here..so forgive me..bt heh...duno leh..if they were nice...we'd obviously talk to em as well...bt prob is...e onli thing they talk bout is how great they are...specially e younger one..(who's our age)...tells us stuff like....how he was selected to go for multiple compeitions...bt how he decide 2 decline this coach and stuff...and like...erm..how multiple jcs all wanted him to join their jc..coz of his canoeing....so erm..yea...as quoted by dajie..hes basically..."an ego with a mouth"
kz..onto happier stuff=]...eh...i oso cant reali remb xia..oh..yea...nex monday is sports heats...where im gona die..lolz..have to run 4*100m....sure dio trash until duno wd happen..nvm..shall juz chiong and see wd happens...
and think im gettin more and more unfit...2day pe so slack..bt still...like dying..lolz...think ate too much nonsense during cny..bt who cares...food's gd no? =] bt we lao e "yu-shen" too many times liao...think we "lao-ed" it 3x? was supposed to lao it on fri as well with me class....bt duno wd happen to e yu-shen..think either we ended up throwin it away whilst clearing up our booth..or some clown kop-ed it..LOL...kuku xia..yushen oso wana kope"=.=
kz...think im done for now..and oh..if yall stil wana meet up...summon me k? cny still got a couple more days..think 10days more? so can meet up anytime during then...bt not this weekend..lol..nex week gt phy+chem test...i juz found out....so gona hav2 pia liao..if yall wana study/mug...den summon me 1st..e makan thing..after tt can?
woosh until nex time ppl^.^
music : blow me away, Breaking Benjamin
Jy woosh-ed at 6:28 pm
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
eh snails...HAPPY friendship day...and v.day for those in love and stuff....bt anyways..its been a year we've known ea other...so cheers^.^..k fine..more den a year...bt eh ppl..my offer still stands...yall wana go makan on cny? or one of the holidays during cny....ts may not b able 2 join us coz think he gg malaysia 4 curise or smth...and oh..e carcol blog gt some wierd thing...and since blogger insists we hav a google acc 2 blog..whist fiddlin arnd with e blog..i accidentatly linked my own google acc( i created one for my own blog"=.=...didnt hav a choice) to e carcol blog...so i think e onli way for us 2 blog here is 2 use e google acc...so yupz..juz ask me for it yea? coz i cant post it here..else sure dio hack or some crap...=]
so yup..2day had SL...tried sellin ice-cream float/hannah/and drinks...nt bad xia...earned bout $40 in 1 hr..lol..hope tml can sell more..coz now no j1 arnd..all slackin @ home"=.= and yea..how'd we get e goods? ytd chiong after sch to woodlands...sengseong whack all e goods....bought bout $80 worth of drinks/snacks yea..juz those 2 alone costs tt much..LOL...oh wait..throw in some cups/spoons/straws..yea..$80^.^ den threw all e goods in2 my friend's mum's car...2day met e fella @ foyer..unload stuff...
here comes e fun bit=] we had no ice..!lol..so me and me friend..chionged outa sch->amk go huntin for ice...wierd thing is...all e coffeeshop drink stalls we went to...dont sell ice"=.= so muz slowly hunt for 7-11..buy ice..and chiong back 2 sch...reached @ 7.40...yea late...bt funny thing is? e security guy apparently he recognized us as e idiots who were runnin out of sch @ 7.15am...whilst every1 else is streamin in2 e sch...so yea..he told us go walk by e back..since wont get kp by e teachers up front...den e best part...he turned away and pretend neva see us..LOL!...bt me and my friend..we gong gong walk up front..and gt kp-ed+scan ezlink"=.= oh wellz..heck...my record's safe clean so far..so nth 2 wrry bout=]..k..least my not comin 2 sch record's safe...bt not my attendence in lessons..LOL!..opps..pretend u didnt read tt bit
hmm..im slpy..think im gona slp awhile...anyways..hppy cny ppl..erm..for mathangi...happy cny too i guess...LOL...
Jy woosh-ed at 5:40 pm
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
hi yall! ^.^
hey..its me again...lolz....paisei..didnt blog in a while...kept tellin meself tt i had 2 blog some crap...to stop e blog from rottin...bt sigh..like keep 4getting and oso like no time....coz lately...er-jie's been spening tons of time on e comp..doing projects and stuff...and she like slps @ 5am? den 2day/ytd even more power....slp @ 5.am....chiong out for sch again @ bout 6+am.....hiong xia...oh wellz...e life of a 3rd year poly student...ABSOLUTELY INSANE!..ill die if i had 2 live on 1hr of slp xia...and now..shes down @ st joseph's parlor..
kz..ill back up a lil....coz its like...sunday i went 2 mug with my sji friend marc @ macs....ran in2 pw there whilst waitin for e fag to come as well..actually...i onli recognized her..coz shes e onli person i know who dresses this way...so i grabbed me phone..gave her a call..and asked her to "turn right"....naturally......she turned left"=.= so had to go "lol...right..not left"......den she turns one whole round b4 being able to spot me slackin @ one corner or macs....blur xia da-jie
..den yea....muggin halfway..he told me tt a fello sji friend's dad died....den i was like...."#$%?!...u serious?" and yea...apparently its true...(yall can see newspaper 2day...home section...e sailing section) sad xia...and ive known tt guy since pri sch? was my sec1/2 classmate as well...so yup...ytd went down with marc 2 e wake.....den 2day..er-jie and da-jie gg down..coz edwin's(tt's my friend) mum teaches in chij..and both my sisters are from there..so they gg down...like pay respects and stuff
bt on e funny side....whilst gg down 2 e parlor ytd...we met up with some sji seniors and stuff....den chatted and talked some crap...den since 1 of em was our ncc senior...he told us how this guy "choy"....erm..least tts wd e ncc guys called him.....(he had an elder bro..which was known as big choy..younger bro known as small choy)....bt yea...e main thing bout big/small choy is tt...theyve gt e amazing ability to annoy ppl..lol..so yea....theyre not exactly well liked....so apparently....our senior(greg) told us tt..big choy was thrown outa OCS (Officer Cadet Course) which is some army course u get into..and onli e best get inside....so yea..choy was thrown outa OCS...why? u ask? coz.....
LOL>.....think he annoyed his mates too much...so they ganged up on him and gt him thrown out.....kinda poor thing...bt its hard 2 feel pity for some1 like him....hes reali v.annoying....both small/big choy..kk..i seem dam evil sayin all this..lol...so best if me stop here...anyways..gona hav2 mug a lil for e lit test tml..xian....wiki anyone?
kz..until nex time ppl^.^ woosh............
p.s who wants 2 mug? summon me along...lets start a mugger club.....
Jy woosh-ed at 8:08 pm
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Sorry for the late late photo! haha

okay..im sorry cuz i spent a hell lot of time looking for new apartments..can u believe that i was homeless for 3 days? haha..but i stayed in my fren's haws la..haha..but i wil be very very very busy for the upcoming 6 wks..haha..i hav 3 essays to do..n all of them required me to do a lot of research!!omg e psychology essay required min. 7 references in order to PASS!! haha..n e history essay is the killer..haha..
anyway! im trying to upload the photos n hopefully i could succeed.. i love the British India photo haha..but jus 1 2 say dat it's wonderful to see all of u again n hopefully we will meet again THIS year(2007).. haha.. mayb end of the year? im not sure if im goin bac or not..
okay..keep up the carcol spirit n keep meeting up! haha.. i guess we r one of the few or the ONLY 1st three mth og that is still meeting up haha..N I'M PROUD OF THAT haha..
Friends Forever! Carcol-woosh!
Jy woosh-ed at 10:08 pm
US! (:
avishel bhatia
chai wee hong
chang jia yao
chen lirong
cheong zhen kuang edward
chin xiu wen
chua yi en
chui qi xiang
foo peiwen
kadayam srinivasan mathangi
lau tian shi
lee jie ying
lim jun yong
lim rui sheng
lim zhen xiong
mai xiangjun
ng wen xu
poh zhi wei
seow wei qiang
soh ling kwee
tan fuhao terrence
tan min yuan
tang heem mei
yang han