Saturday, April 28, 2007
YO it's me again..lolz..and since e exams are comin up....asin..mid's some tips to help u ACE ur exams...juz follow em throughout..and ure sure to get ur desired A....okies? u can thank me later^.^

Jy woosh-ed at 11:18 am
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

artiste pass
dressing room(coutesy of oriental hotel)

guest clarinetists
Jy woosh-ed at 9:22 pm
Friday, April 13, 2007
hey yall^.^ bac pw results 2day..and yea...accordin to chan....aj did better den e past year..with higher % of As and Bs..duno bout it sure seem pretty screwed to nth much can b done now eh? if yall did as badly as me..nvm..lets juz look forward eh? CHIONG for e comin battle ahead....e As.....
and for those who did well for e pw..=] grats yea? LoLz..another reason to celebrate^.^
on a happier's choir concert comin up..and our snail ts here is gona b performin his clarinet on if yall wana support him...there's still some time i think...asin..juz approach some choir ppl...(if yall even know any) and buy e SUPER ex tickets from wallet still sufferin from e pain from buyin those tix..lolz...
here's e detailz:
location:Esplanade(durian along e bay)
tix : $16 or $21 (it was supposed to be $15 and $ apparently $1 is for sistix charge)
time: 7.30pm
and lol..heard oso tt cat high band and xinmin bands didnt do as well this year eh? lol..and these are GwH bands mind u...hehehe...think @ this rate...sji prob gona land themselves a CoP...coz even in last time..we were simply a silver this time = CoP? unless they gona buy a Gold or smth...LoLz
yupz..tts bout all i can blog bout now..think im gona slp a bit...den mug later or smth....=] anyways..outin soon? comments in tagboard pls...
oh..heard pw can now do 'reverse parkin' nex up is initial D driving style?
music: Tears in Heaven , Eric Clapton (guitar god)
Jy woosh-ed at 5:25 pm
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I'm just here to say hi. o.o
Hikoto woosh-ed at 9:22 pm
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
sheepish smile=]'s me again..paisei xia..haven been postin up stuff yea...guess we've all been kinda dyin in work no? luck for yer exams...and to those who're havin sports/syf and competitions luck^.^
kz..back to e proper bloggin...(a.k.a....nonsense)
wellz..theres been some sad stuff tt happened over e past few days as of em being tt i had 2 attend another wake...and this one is my classmate's sister...i wont name e fella here...since e fella prob may not want it being and my other classmate onli found out after I&E day....when e teacher called us to meet him after e de-breif...we actually tot we didnt do our chem homework and were gona get instead he told us e news...
anyways..for those not in AJ...I&E day is some day where lessons are all cancelled...and basically..we kinda move arnd e sch visiting booths set up by e different's like..some "new way" to let us learn stuff...
and heh..i cant remb if i blogged this since we've been havin guitar practices with e harmoc guess those in charge are gettin dam stressed...specially our guitar QM (quarter master) and e harmoc vice-pres..LOL..
either tt...or our QM has suddenly had e urge to relive his old npcc days...^.^ "GUYS WHEN I TELL YALL MOVE....YAL MOVE" smth to tt reminds ME of my ncc we use a different term..."FLY".....there's an old sji ncc quote...
"guys..when we ask yall walk..yall run........
when we ask yall to run...yall ........"?
yea...u guessed it..."YALL FLY!"
hahah..den we always tell em tt if any of us sec4s get to the destination b4 them....theyll knock it down....and so..they reali FLY^.^
and oh...on sunday..duno if yall noticed...coz me and e family was comin home from dinner...den when i looked up in e was super clouds @ all...and there was a full moon=] and even better...could even see e milky way^.^ (here's a pic of e milky way if u didnt know wd it's an asteroid belt if i aint wrong...)
den 2day? had some talk durin mass civics=] was bout e red cross and i went in there thinkin it'd b quite ok...turns out..they summoned some guy to do e talk...and erm....hearin e guy talk was prob bout as interesting as......ah..i cant think of smth 2 link it to
bt well..u get e hint..he aint interesting....
and's been gettin hotter no? so take care ppl...lots of ppl in me class gettin yall oso drink more water and crap yea?
jeeze...i sound like my own mum"=.= naggin @ yall...lolz...and oh..if yall wana come guitar concert...its this thurs...
till then...woosh ppl^.^(meet up some time soon? )
Jy woosh-ed at 3:02 pm